TheRe notHing ReaLLy sPeCiaL aBouT mE iM jUsT a SimPLe gUrL WiTh SiMpLE DrEaMs iN LyF... HaHaHa ... mY FRieNds SaYs i'M KiNdA wEirD!.. aS iF I CarE! aLL i KnoW iS My LifE ReALLy RoCks BeCAuSe Of PeOpLe LiKe ThEm
TheRe notHing ReaLLy sPeCiaL aBouT mE iM jUsT a SimPLe gUrL WiTh SiMpLE DrEaMs iN LyF... HaHaHa ... mY FRieNds SaYs i'M KiNdA wEirD!.. aS iF I CarE! aLL i KnoW iS My LifE ReALLy RoCks BeCAuSe Of PeOpLe LiKe ThEm
mah' better half k- R- i- S
....Kris Bernard........Kris Bernard........Kris Bernard........Kris Bernard....
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....ALL songs Of MatChbOx20....and Alternative MusiC...
New Page 3
...TrOy...PeArL HaRbOr...PrEttY WoMaN... NoThiNg HiLL...WeddiNg PLaNnEr... thOsE ArE my aLL time FavoriTeS!! the rest is all the moVies That i Have Watched tOgEtheR with mY beTTeR HalF!;)
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. ..all sidney sheldon's book and adeline yen mah's falling leaves...and Dan Bown's Da Vinci's Code(creepy!!!) whahaha