All Sciences, esp. Computer Science, Astrology & Astronomy, Theosophy, Occult knowledge, spiritual beliefs, fashion and fear, stopping the scapegoating of our souls for $$$$$$ ~~~chasing the devil
ECCENTRICS with wisdom. People that have minds honest enough to know themselves, and open enough to be secure with what they know, likeMarc and his Cats
Reggae, dub, house, hip hop, electronica, GD, Beatles, Okie Punk - Ol'Cheeky Bastards, Adam Ant, Primus, RHCP, U2, Honeycut, The Orb, Iamir "You see the drama waitin, we see you hidin, we see you hatin', you see us risin', you go hard but we go harder." Iamir's just sick, Led Zeppelin just about anything with some attitude that makes me move or think really.
Natural Born Killers
Grandma's Boy
LOST::::::Robot Chicken
The Secret Doctrine by Madam Blavatsky The Elegant Universe by Brian Greene Zacharia Sitchen & Manly P Hall Conspiracy Stuff, William Gibson
Ada Lovelace & Stephen Hawkings