Lindsey: That doesn't make any sense. I mean, in Buffy a vampire and a human couldn't have sex.
Me: That's cuz Buffy isn't real life, it's just a show.
Random #1: Which one of them is obsessed with those vampire books?
Random #2: I think it's Hannah
Random #1: Sounds typical. Another good 'ol vampire story
Me (angrily): There is NOTHING typical about Edward and Bella!!!
Rachel: If I don't read the books can I still go see the movie?
Me: No.
Lindsey: Be careful. Don't ask her about Twilight. She'll tell you all about the book, then make you watch the trailer for the movie on her phone while watching over your shoulder with gaga eyes and squeezing your hand. Sick.
hey guys... it's hannah. I'm crunk as shit if you haven't noticed... i work for Ryder Phillips and i live in Fort Worth...I went to TCU last year but uh now i'm taking a little break and then starting back up next semester. Yeah, that's what's up. Um also I used to live w/ my sister in an apartment now I live w/ the rents for a while. So wow it sounds pretty much like my life went down the shitter but actually right now I'm a whole lot more happy and less stressed so it's all good. I was once asked if I listen or wait to talk; i'm pretty sure I'm a listener. I think I can be a pretty good friend. A lot of people just use me or lose me for I get to be. I love movies, music and friends... i don't know what else to say so just talk to me to find out more!