"Your success is what he wants to see fail! Forgive the devil, Because with God, His negative actions works in your favor!" - Rachelle
Hello! Myspace is a place where I communicate with friends, associates or new people with decent conversation. I don't deal with fraudulent individuals and if your about drama you will be ignored. I love my life and Having someone to live for feels a lot better then not knowing what your living for at all. Im just blessed to have gone through what I have, and realize there's more to life then tragedy. I appreciate those that hate me, without you I'd be blinded by reality. To the roots of my tree, I love ya and yall know who Im pointing my fingers to. As of my marital status, Im deeply in love and happily married to Jesus (My first, only and real true love). I have a passion for poetry, R&B/Gospel music. Admitting.. I do have a spit personality but Im not crazy. I love me, but Im neither conceited nor selfish. I am who I am, I talk the way I talk because Im comfrontable with the women I've become. Criticism doesn't mean much to me. Im not perfect, and don't pretend to be.. but then again who is? For those of you who showed your true colors, Thank you, Your just one less person I have to give the benefit of doubt.