WriTing.. wiSh sOmedaY i cOuld write a reALLy, reaLLy gOod nOveL.. =p huhu!!
Fly To The Sky, BSB, Jay Chou Jie Lun.. and lots of korean, taiwanese, japanese OSTs
MosT oF 'Em cHinese movIEs:: +gEnycOps & gEnxcOps +neW polIce sTory +iNfeRnAL affaiRs trilOgy +HarrY pottEr seriEs.. haKs.. n sOMe moRe i doN't remEmber.. HaHaKs
+cHarMed +sMallviLLe +fOr lovE or MoneY (i oNly watch the 4th OnE.. nice!!) +... aNythIng thAt has to do wif magIc, wiTchcrAFt n thIngs thaT are oUt of this WorLd usUAlly catch mY inteRest.. hehe =p
+sHiEla O'FlaNagaN [mY faVouRitE GOOdbYe] +HarrY pOttEr seRies.. +MaLay nOveLs (which i thInk are vEry sweeT.. hahaks!!)
RasULullaH s.a.w