animals, the outdoors, sports, movies, music, pretty much anything that keeps me distracted from the real world.
lots of people who i'm not going to bother to list here
beatles, tristan prettyman, tool, rage against the machine, nine inch nails, david gray... lots of stuff.
i'll get back to you on this one.
the office is pretty much the only show i watch... well that and food network.
Harry Potter series, One Hundered Years of Solitude, The Da Vinci Code, Angels and Demons, The Giver, Farenheight 451, 1984, Clockwork Orange, Atlas Shrugged, Memoirs of a Geisha, The five people you meet in Heaven, To Kill a Mocking Bird, Of Mice and Men, Hamlet, Walden, Animal Liberation, Life of Pi, Where the Side Walk Ends, The Little Gymnast, When Elephants Weep, The Alchemist, I could go on forever...