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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

What can I say. I'm very open to people who arent afraid to go against the grain as long as they are TRUE. I value honesty, integrity and creativity in myself and others. Oh yeah, I like big butts and I cannnot lie. P.M.S. REPREZENT!!!!!!

My Interests

Sex and drugs and rock and roll... da du din da don da!!!

I'd like to meet:

Some TALENTED musicians in the T.O. area. I don't care how you dress or who you think you need to impress. The proof is in the pudding. Put it in, pull it out, and show these motherfuckers what your all about. Just make sure its YOU!!!


I consider Bob Marley and Ozzy Osbourne to be my Fathers and Michael Jackson was my childhood friend.


Scarface * The Pianist * Bram Stoker's Dracula * Hustle and Flow * and I hate making lists


I watch the news, music stations, and Learning channels.


I forgot how to read

