Working on race cars, WATCHING WOLFPACK ATHLETICS,Hanging with the SIS, Watching races on Sundays after some Fried Chicken intake, NFL, NBA, NHL, ESPN Networks, Speed Channel, MTV, Working in the Garage with G-Dad, Spendin time with my little cousins
Dave Chappelle, Maria Sharapova, LC (Laguna), Jessica Simpson
Linkin Park, Rap, Country since return from Hickory, NC
Days of Thunder, Smokey and the Bandit, Top Gun
NC State basketball, NC State football, NCAA sports, NBA, NFL, NHL, NASCAR, MLB, Sportscenter, Speed Channel, Newlyweds No longer, Everybody Loves Raymond (Cauze the shit is my family), Yes, Dear!
NOT A GOT DAMN THING, most books dont have pictures!
Jimmy Valvano, My Grandad, My Dad