Im Jamie
18 years old
I play in a bands
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i dnt do much else with my life except work part time in morrisons (great job) play ice hockey:
not much else realy except the people below who are basically my life
my family obviously
means the world to me, i couldnt care wat other ppl say about us bein together coz im the happiest ive been in a long time,
shes seen me through thick and thin and even in rough times is always there for me.
she gives me the confidence to just say fuck it no matter what other ppl say and so wat i think is right.
do i love her..?
pretty obvious isnt it.
known him for about 10 years now
had about 2 fall outs in that whole time.
hes the singer in awd and we do most thing like go to gigs and stuff together (sometimes he does get pms though)
aka king stuts or pigeon chest
hes english like me and not ashamed of it hes also very lippy when he can get the words out.
erm like owen i do most things with liam.
probz known him the shortest amout of time oput of the group but still hes a great mate. known him form the dreaded days in maths with the mc Call all fun and laughs until one of us was sent out (oi you out!)
drummer in awd known him for a few years now and pobz will till i crash into him and he kills me :)
the guys
been with me since like 1st and second year had some of the most fun times of my life with these guys from just goin out and about to good times on holiday!!
Rory he moaned that he wasnt here so ill put him in.
i never thought he would care but at heart hes a myspace geek! hes probz one of the friends i can go to about anythin! and well we cant forget the hotness chart!
Callum; the funniest guy i no probz sober or drunk which is usually only drunk, he knows how to party and makes up funny holiday song on a long drunken walk back to the hotel.
Goose; the guitarist and singer in aisuru my other band. ive known him for a few years since we were little midgets that played hockey together but lost contact along a long path through high school and started talkin again down to kelbie and that. hes a cool guy and knows where its at!
Kelbie; wat can u say except legend really the guy would probz do anythin for anyone (at a decent price!) another funny drunk and always manages to get into trouble for it.
or he just loses his glasses!
Caddy; well basically all there is to say about caddy is HE IS METAL!!! also dnt give shit wat pl say about him one of the coolest guys ive evr known!
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