ICE HOCKEY ALL the wAy baby!! snowbored, DRUMS, cars those r HOTTER than guys! Quotes:~:~ im blinded by the feelings of sum one greater than myself Dont Fuk wit Darkness or Darkness will fuk wit YOU! the people only u need in ur life r the ones that need u in theirs. hes her drug, n shes addicated! They left me alone to dwell in the Darkness of my Insanity The Darkness holds the Darkest and deepest secrets, The question is, are you brave eough to go in after them? pain doesnt hurt when it's all you've ever felt!! im tryin so hard not to like U but its really hard to fight UR heart! the best and most beautiful things in the world cannt be seen or even touched they must be felt with the heart.the best thing in life are unseen, thats y we close our eyes when we kiss and dream.. Why do I cry? I cry 4 lve, I cry 4 pain, I cry 4 u!Say u'll lay wit me n forget bout the world!
The rose will lay there forever it will sink into the ground.And soon it will be joined by the girl who was lost and never found.People that are not DICK heads, that like to have FUN and do things.
flaw, bullet for my valentine, killswitch, diecast, alesana, smile empty soul, story of the year,simple plan,TATU,last years hero,red, zox, simple man,nonpoint,CRYSTAL Methods,dope
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My MUM! ANTHONY for being here for me now! 3.CJ for bein there when i needed a friend loving me like no other guy has I LOVE YOU! STEVEN for lettin me cry on him and being there.AUNT and UNCLE, they helped me out alot, always love you guys!! my friends for being there most of the time. mostly MYSELF! teaching myself that i can get throw things even when they get hard..