Lydia Elizabeth Raven ((RAVE-ON))
Stuarts version of my about me: "Im lydia. I like clothes. I like going out. I like talk. I like boys"
But i like to think theres more to me than that:P
First things first:
Im not chic, im not glamourous, not skinny, not tall, Im not gorgeous, im not a barbie, im not poised, and im far from perfect.
I have flaws, just like you.
Im not everything you want me to be
Im just me
I have an obsession with buying bags and jewellry
DANCE like you dont give a shit what the slags in the corner think
LOVE like you could never get hurt
TRUST like you've never been let down
DRINK until you just dont care
SMILE like the world would end if you didnt
PARTY likes there is no tomorrow.
Always be the life and soul.
Never leave early, always stay to the end
Dance like a twat whether your drunk or sober and dont give a toss what ANYONE thinks about you.
Live by my rules:)
I would never ever ever touch drugs.
I dont see the need
"I just fell into the wrong crowd".. bullshit. Ive been in that crowd, and i was never tempted once.
Get a back bone.
I love most people, i try to see the best in people
But i'll like who I like, not who people think are "cool" to like.
If i dont like someone, or theyve done summat to annoy me, i will seriously nto make an effort to hide that fact.
Im not easily intimidated, and i dont think anyones better than anyone else, despite what you might think, we're all equal
I have an amazing bunch of friends, i know people from so many walks of life.
Im trustworth and honest, im thoughtful and nice.
Im here for anyone if you ever need to talk about anythinngg
I really want the perfect boy. Someone to make me happy