I' ve been married to the same man for a total of 7 years now and we've been together a total of 8 1/2! I wouldn't change any thing about us or our past. We have grown so much over the last few years and it has been GREAT!!! He is truly my soul mate. Don't let anyone tell you that you wont find mister or misses right. They will come when you STOP looking. We have 2 boys and they are our whole world. We are so proud of them. It's hard to believe our oldest baby will be in kindergarten this fall. WOW!! Time just goes by. It's hard to imagine how long you can be with some one and never get sick of them. For those of you who are sick by this, its just because you haven't really found that special some one. Don't get me wrong we do have our spats!!! We wouldn't be normal if we didn't.
I'm originally from Alabama, WEEE!!! Father was military also,so i lived all over. I love everyone most of the time, but hate a liar and a fake ass punk! Nothing is worse then thinking u have a friend and learning different when it's almost to damn late. Leave the drama please. What is it with the military wives anyway?! Can't we all just get along. Mind your own damn business. If i want you to know i'll tell ya. I'm usually a very loving person, but i do keep my gaurd up. Also, if you have a problem and i can help I am some what of an advisor, usually, but if i can't help u then i don't pretend to be able to. A true friend will tell u when u look like a hoochie and never leave your side even if it means it's their own ass. LOL!!!! P.S. I am a TRUE believer in KARMA people!
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You're an Passionate Kisser
For you, kissing is about all about following your urges
If someone's hot, you'll go in for the kiss - end of story
You can keep any relationship hot with your steamy kisses
A total spark plug - your kisses are bound to get you in trouble
What Kind of Kisser Are You?
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Aphrodite. You are connected with Aphrodite, Greek goddess of pleasure, sexual love and passion. Was born from the union of the sky and the fertile sea womb. Married to Hephaestus. Aphrodite teaches women who are seeking partnership, union, love, and pleasure that you must first learn how to love youself before you can ever love another.
Ix Chel
Green Tara
Which Goddess do you connect with? ---But this one..s better.
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