Creativeness Wins Attention
MySpace Marriage
Home Waffle & Katie
My name is Katie. I am Bobb. My favorite band is FallOutBoy. My dream is to meet them. :D I don't really know what to say about myself. I am the way you see me, to you. If that makes sense. I am the way I see me, to me. I hate it when people try to change my views and opinions. I try to keep an open mind. I guess. Usually I don't fight with people. I just ignore the people who find me annoying. I love to meet new people. yeah. I don't care. My step dad died when I was four I wish I could have gotten to know him better. It is really wierd I know. I meet so many great people here. One I want to meet so bad I con't stand it. Mabye one day I will. I have a lot of friends. I love you guys. I like someone. Music means a lot to me. I enjoy talking about it. So if I don't have anything to say. I'll most likely start talking about music. I don't think highly of myself. And I know some people just don't like me. But I try. So please. Just be nice. I have figured out that people like you more. When you are yourself. Call me mean. Call me what you wish. But I will laugh at you when you fall. I love shoes. Converse Is Love. I have like a million pairs. I love food. I have weight problems. But I also have a very outgoing personality. So yeah. I'm all cool inside. 8]. I'm expecting that when I get done typing all this crap that i will click save all changes and something bad will happenlike it always does when I type something long and meaningful. Like those q&a things I always put in on :| gah Ill get knocked offline, the page will freeze, Ill accidentally press the thing on the side of my mouse that makes the page go back. who knows I hope none of that will happen and if you are reading this then it didin't lol okay. There are so many problems in the world. :].Like World Hunger. And still, my biggest problem is, Figuring out what music to listen to. on my way to a concert.
<[I wish I looked how I felt so you could see my pain>]