I am a web designer, graphic artist, writer, philosopher,
thinker and have interests in alternative spirituality.
I believe that the comprehension of God is an awareness most
are incapable of. If everyone understood Universal Energy, Spirit, Knowledge, Existence and Soul
The world would be a very different place.
There is only one truth...beyond the obvious, if this isn't obvious.
We all manifest our destiny, our reality. We create and carry our Karma - eternally.
Universal knowledge exists for all to know at all times.
Be aware of the moment and that each instant replaces the
next, all existence occurs in the instant. It is in the
instant that all information & knowledge exists.
I am Perceptual Bliss. Eternal
My Site
Perceptual Bliss
Eternal - updated 5-8-07 10:17pm
"The laughing man shed a tear of sadness drowning his sorrows in the grandeur of his illusions." - Perceptual Bliss 9/6/95
I love the beauty of a woman and respect the Goddess in every woman.
My nature is Dominant and do enjoy a submissive female.
I have found that there is an incredible beauty energy
created when a Master and slave become one. I enjoy the
mental and physical sides of Domination
I expand each sense, touch every boundary as I go deep
into the mind, body and soul while tracing lines of pleasure through each thought.