DEVIN TOWNSEND, Kirby, Chuck Norris, Lo Pan, a ninja, George Washington Carver. Dracula, Ti Mi Shu, Bill S. Creston, Bruce Cambell, Theodore Logus, King Gidorah, Godzilla, Captain Falcon, a jackalope, Chell, Spock, Captain Kurk, Fox Mcloud, Falco Lombardi, Lobo, Maddox, Bruce Lee, Gordan Freeman, people that accept cash, Satan, all of DBZ, Neo, that dude that ate 59 hot dogs, Ash kecham, A Pokemon, the generous people of Flash Flash Revolution, Bowser, a zombie, the Power Rangers, a dragon, GlaDOS, Doctor Octopus, anyone with an Alienware or Falcon Northwest computer, Alyx Vance, The dude who invented The Legend Of Zelda, Bill Gates, Someone that can fix my i pod, the crew of g4, someone that can beat Jordan on GH2 100%. the old TMNT, Lollerskates, Roflcopter, Link, Sonic, The Gannon Cannon, a clone of myself and last and totally unrealistic, a girl who likes video games as much as i do... that isn't morbidly obese.Here is some lulz