~lebiu~ profile picture



About Me

..every morning i wake up, thingking of not going to works...but i have no choice.. :( so i brush my theeth..take a shower and go to shit! heheh :P, quickly eat breakfast..prepare to go to work....At work,..i work for the whole day and seeing someone i don't like! my closest friend is the magazine...pc..bla bla.. and... when the problem comes..i have to think bout it..until feel like dying!! after working..i'm still in the road! :( stuck between bored and tired waaaaa.. Everyday i always check the calender and looking forward to saturday and public holiday.. that's my life now....

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

someone that make me HAPPY everyday!!


Alicia Keys Lyrics ..
No One - Alicia Keys (Get Mp3 Codes and Player)

