fluorescent adolescent profile picture

fluorescent adolescent

i ain't no abacus but you can count on me.

About Me

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Click here to post this on your page or 'blogkimberly gail. bonjour! I'm constantly changing, and capable of everything. Simple as that. I will be who I am, and if we happen to click, I think that's beautiful or something...
'Strive for understanding, than being understood.' general.
Life - be yourself, autarkeia, sunrises & twilight, good times, bad times, laughing, ignorance, tetris, menulis, raspberry iced tea & mango juice, card games (EGY Ratscrew & speed), cartoon network, reading, movies, philosphies such as Existentialism and Stoicism, vegetarianism (pescetarian), dancing, stability, French, sci-fi, napping, mother nature, beauty, eating sushi, Mario Party: mini-games, Wii, shows and concerts, writing, sudoku, Cyanide & Happiness, Art: sketching & photography mostly, graphic design (lazy though), typography, MOD, sleeping sometimes, meeting people, helping others, history not politics, isketch, being happy/content, cardigans, love, and psychoanalysis.
-I'd like to do some more of that along with: sky-diving, learning to play the violoncello (Cello), writing a book w/ a friend, joining the Peace Corps(?), adopting a kid, going to Europe, Africa or Egypt, and more in the future if possible.
<[b>COMMENT HERE] one check, one love

my rhyme ain't good just yet.
VIEW/EDIT: comments

My Interests

Root of all evil: John Stalberger and Mike Marshall

McKenna Teriyokey BBFL?! Ridiculous as it may sound, it's true. Thanks for being there, and listening to me when I needed it. We always enjoy each others' company and always will not matter the situation. We will keep eachother happy always; we think of the funniest, weirdest, and creepiest (sometimes) plans and shindigs. I'm so glad that we were able to meet up again in this lifetime and actually get close unlike 3rd grade when we did a little bit but not too much b/c you didn't like Pokemon as much as I did. Psh. I'll always remember you snuking and me eating carmel apples with you regardless. Lol, don't forget streaking, concerts, ice cream, running in the morning even though you were sick, head automatica, late nights/early mornings, etc. etc. thanks you for everthing, i'm grateful for you. I miss you a whole lot, but we'll see eachother again just as long as you chose to not replace me :)

CRYSTAL, I love this girl so much. She's been there for me all the time since I met her; she stuck with me as i lost many other friends but it's okay because she made everything worth it inthe end. I'd gladly lose some friends to gain ONE friend like her. She's loads of fun and she's practically family to me.

Tanehia, I'll always be for there for her. She's a strong female, and she underestimates herself sometimes. She's a good person. I love talking to her, we can tell eachother things because we relate so much. I love the person that she is, the way she is, even though most don't. Fuck 'em.

Olivia, She is really silly and fun to be around. I swear, she has ADD sometimes, haha but I love it. She's really easy to talk to and is accepting. I know there's a lot more to her that I wish I could've learned with more time together. She's awesome. I love you Olivia!

Amber. I've known her since 6th grade. She's really sweet, wise, and fun to talk to. GAH, we are so obscene sometimes, we love to overshare our "feelings" COUGH* I love this girl a lot and she's always there to talk to, vice versa. She's a beautiful person inside out, I just hope she knows it and believes it :]

Ally. My god sister is an awesome, caring, and beautiful person. Even though I was only able to hang out with her for about a week, it seems like we've known each other forever. I enjoy her company and hopefully we'll get to see each other again soon.

Cynthia, I miss her soo much. I wish we could've been closer than we were because we were starting to really get close when she had to move :[ We relate to a lot of our experiences and I miss her because she's so funny and caring. I'll see her someday again though :D 'til then..

Alisha, She's a great gal. I remember I used to dislike her a little because she was pretty and boys liked her in 7th grade (yeah, stupid shit). Every morning during 8th grade was a good one because I always got to see her along with Wendy. Biology was the best during 9th, and so was the "BEST NIGHT OF OUR FUCKING LIVES!!" She's my partner in crime/stalking. LOL, JM!? JM doesnt just mean JUST MESSING, right? We roll deep.

WENDY, is a blast. She's so awesome. Our best times were in Biology, 8th grade, and Lola. I love her! and I'm not just throwing, "love" around. I really mean it. I really appreciate all the things she's done for me during the times when I was about to move. Thanks for being there, and for caring.

Paco Taco, this is the nicest guy ever. He's super cool too, and he should make his own Taco stand (hahah) He was there when I left my friends, and was my first friend to visit me here. It means a lot to me. He's fun to talk (especially late nights on MSN) & hang out with and he drives me places. I'm so thankful to have him as a friend.

Nicole, one day we'll see eachother again. I miss you!

Ajericho. This guy, is really cool. He's funny and fun to talk to. I never really thought that I would become friends with him after 6th grade but luckily, we did. Sucks we didn't really get to hang out much but we're txting buddies I guess that can make up for it :D

Sandi Panties, this girl is hilarious! She's so fun to be around. She gives me pop sickles/ice cream during the late hours of night. She's really easy to talk to unless she's trying to chase you with a vibrator haha. I miss her :[

Donna, we don't talk a lot now, but she'll always have a place in my heart. loudass, crazy ass former best friend
Erin, is a cool kid. I used to see her everyday, and we enjoy eachother's company. She's so nice to me and I'll miss doing Halloween with her.

Joanne, I raid her room... a lot. It's fun because she never gets really mad (not pushover), I guess I love being annoying to her :D But she's really sweet and talented and I enjoy her company. She's a good listener, I'm thankful for how she is. AND we are a BAKING force, we PWN you; it's destiny.. it was already laid before we were even born (..well b/c our parents were good friends.. but still! haha) oh yeah, we're a bit boy-crazy. A bit..?
New Friends , who have helped to make my moving experience smoother and better. Thank you.

I'd like to meet:

I don't care if you smoke, drink, have a different taste in music, whatever. Live your life however you want. Just as long as you respect me and my morals, we're good. And most importantly, I only want to meet the people that I can make happy.

Nick Wheeler is kinda sort of, really ridiculously good looking.
Pretty much these really good-looking men ;]

More realistically...
Mohandas Gandhi, ANDRE THE GIANT, Delilah, Mother Teresa, Travis Bryant, and Jesper Anderberg would be neat to meet.
Well, that's nt really more realistic since some of those people are dead.. Oh well.


Dig it. i really fancy experimental, indie, classical, anti-folk, anthems, metal, punk, folk, or ska


Big Fish
Eternal Sunshine
Stranger than Fiction
El Laberinto Del Fauno
The Illusionist
The DaVinci Code
Spirited Away
The Butterfly Effect (first only)
The Holiday
The Island
Mona Lisa Smile
Little Miss Sunshine
Dying Young
Riding The Bullet
Happy Feet was the shit
So was 13 Ghosts (1960 version)
A Little Princess
and a couple of hundreds more.


Mostly fiction.
Coraline by Neil Gaiman is one of my favourite books.
The Lovely Bone by Alice Sebold
Hannah's Garden by Midori Snyder
Neverwhere by Neil Gaiman
Daughters of The Moon Series
The Five People You Meet in Heaven by Mitchell Albom
Eragon & The Eldest by Christopher Paolini
Twilight & The New Moon by Stephenie Meyer
Many many others as well...


Jesus, saved me.
Stargirl (jerry spinelli)
anyone and everyone who has affected and inspired my life somehow -- good and bad
you know whom you are.

Steve Irwin was a good man.

My Blog

le teenage heart.

today's not a good day to die.i'm angry and jaded.jaded because i've been so angry.angry because i've been too jaded to care & have passion.i want to be fucking free. freedom is bliss.fucking blis...
Posted by flourescent adolescent. on Mon, 25 Jun 2007 05:32:00 PST

Ending and Beginning.

Finally, the strings start to tighten.The emotions, I have to confront.All the people I know and don'tthey're taking their toll on me. I am connected.Each and everyone I see everyday, everyone I've no...
Posted by flourescent adolescent. on Thu, 07 Jun 2007 06:55:00 PST


Step 1: Get your playlist together, put it on random, and play!Step 2: Pick your favorite lines from the first 15 songs that play!Step 3: Post and let everyone you know guess what song and the artist ...
Posted by flourescent adolescent. on Tue, 20 Mar 2007 11:13:00 PST

Where I should be greatful, I should be satisfied.

In the empty room we sat. A couple of feet away yet we weren't connected. I heard once that life is a bunch of rooms. Life only mattered in the room you were in and who you were with. One door closes,...
Posted by flourescent adolescent. on Wed, 07 Feb 2007 06:37:00 PST

life and miraculous things.

I had no intentions of doing this but it just happened to come out this way. This blog will just be a collection of quotes, lyrics, writng, poetry, etc. that I feel passionate about. For your own rea...
Posted by flourescent adolescent. on Sat, 13 Jan 2007 05:38:00 PST

lately i've been wishing i had one desire...

i've really liked this song for awhile now. everytime i listen to it, i'm just taken by it. how you can hear the aching through his voice. it means a lot to me, for some reason. i finally wanted to ac...
Posted by flourescent adolescent. on Sun, 07 Jan 2007 01:23:00 PST


The most functional word in the English language is Shit.That's right, shit! Consider this:You can be shit faced, shit out of luck, or have shit for brains. With a little effort, you can get your shit...
Posted by flourescent adolescent. on Tue, 26 Dec 2006 06:27:00 PST

carrot, egg, or coffee bean?

A carrot, an egg, and a cup of coffee ...You will never look at a cup of coffee the same way again.A young woman went to her mother and told her about her life and how things were so hard for her. She...
Posted by flourescent adolescent. on Sun, 24 Dec 2006 09:00:00 PST

Last Updated on April 22, 2007.

THE FRUITS OF YOUR LABOR[Something important on your desk]:  I don't have one.[When you sleep you wear]:  shorts/sweats, oversized t-shirts, and my worries on my sleeve.[If you could afford ...
Posted by flourescent adolescent. on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST