I'm 31 years old, and fairly mellow. Most the time. Some things piss me off and put me on a tear about this or that. I enjoy music, of almost all types. Punk, techno, classical, rock, new age, rap (old school. Gangster rap sucks. I don't care who's ass you popped a cap in, you're still a moron), southern rock, ect. Don't do country though. Country music sucks. I'm a gamer. Love my Halo and WoW. As a gerneral rule, I'm fairly antisocile. I love my alone time, and most people annoy me after 2 minutes of listening to their mindless babble. If you don't have anything to say, then shut up. I'm a hopeless romantic, yet bitter and jaded. I live for provoking reactions from people. I'm a hedonist. And I can't spell to save my life. Deal with it. I don't watch TV. I got burnt out by all the so called reality TV shows, they ALL suck. They star and are watched by morons. I do however, buy the Battle Star Galactia box sets as they come out. If they hadn't cancled Firefly, then I would get cable, but as there is only one show I watch now, not worth the cable bill. That should do for now. You can find out the rest as I, whenever I get around to it, up date this damned page.
Your Deadly Sins
Wrath: 100%
Lust: 60%
Gluttony: 20%
Greed: 20%
Pride: 20%
Sloth: 20%
Envy: 0%
Chance You'll Go to Hell: 34%
You will die, after conquering the world as an evil dictator. How Sinful Are You?
You Are 86% Evil
You're the most evil person you know.
The devil is even a little scared of you! How Evil Are You?