BOYS BOYS BOYS BOYS BOYS, wait........................................................ ............................................................ ................................ UM...................... oh yea' MOE BOYS!!!!
Chirs Brown "cus he FINE", T.I. "cus he FINE", Ciara "cus she can SANG", who, HAHAHAHA, Ofa "cus she FINE and cus she can SANG", j/p..... and cool people, shit i dunno....View All Friends | View Blog | Add Comment
Rap and R&B, the GOOD STUFF.... none of dat stupid ass punk rock shit and country shit!!!
War of the Worlds, all of the Harry Potter movies, Grudge, the Longest Yard, Six Sense, mostly Scarey movies..... that make you pee in your mahi
the Simpsons, and Rugrats, Fresh Prince of Belair, and um.......... Smallville
books??? wat are books??? oh yes' da ting wif de, i donts like to reads cause i don't fink i needs dem i speaks englisheee and das all dats mattah!!!! lol, j'k... i read but no favorites!!!
Ite (mu cuz), Mosira a.k.a. Bootylicious (my sis), Ofa a.k.a. Goodies (my sis) and my Mommy and Daddy and oh yea' dat stupid gurl Asi (she's related to me but i don't claim her) j'k i do wen im drunk!! jus' kidding i don't drink, only Kool-Aid Biatches!!!! && MY CUZiN OFA VAiSiMA!!! ♥