Science, Technology, Politics, Law, Reading, Lifting, Football, Soccer, Basketball, Golf, Tennis, Movies, Television, Meeting new people, Learning Spanish, Enjoying my life
My Chemical Romance's Myspace Page
I will say Braveheart and Batman Begins, but I have seen so many movies, so many times... it would be more fair to say I just love movies. However, war movies and comedies are definitely my favorites.
I watch way more movies than television, but I do watch Smallville, Scrubs, Futurama, Entourage, and I like watching Infarto y La Academia with my amiga.
Great Expectations, The Count of Monte Cristo, Catch-22, Collapse, A Brave New World, the Chronicles of Narnia, Fahrenheit 451, Romeo and Juliet... these are some of my favorites, but I am a book fiend... love any well written fiction and almost any non-fiction...
Honest people, loyal people, and people who work hard to make a difference no matter how big or small