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About Me

Hmmmm....About me......ok. I live and breath music theatre....not excluding simply music and theatre. Probably about 90% of my thoughts revolve around one of the two. I really love being busy. I love my family and my friends alot and am proud to say I have a great relationship with my parents. I love to dance, every type of dancing. And I really like to travel. I'm not horribly complicated, and I don't like to make situations complicated. I'm somewhat of a cynic when it comes to certain things, though I'm really open minded. I really like meeting new people, and it could be one of my favorite hobbys. So, that pretty much sums up alot about me, and maybe a little too much about me.
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***100 Nosey Questions*** by longtallsally28
The Basics
Name: Leslie
Age: 18
Month of birth: October
Any Siblings?: Bro- Aaron
Parents still married?: yes
Occupation: self-employed babysitter
Do you like your job?: its better than a real job
Any pets?: only the coolest cat ever...boots
Hair color: light brown
Eye color: green hazel
Shoe size: 8 1/2
Any Tattoos?: not that you should know about....no
Any Piercings?: ears
Current mood: bored out of my mind
Current wardobe choice: pajama pants and a sweatshirt
What are you listening to?: Beach Boys "I Get Around"
Who did you last speak with on the phone?: Claire/Tina/Sarah....they were all on the same phone
What do you currently smell like?: nothing really....I put on some Love Spell lotion like an hour ago
Movie you watched: 7 Brides for 7 Brothers
Magazine you looked at: 17
Thing you ate: hot chocolate
Book you read: Death of a Salesman
T.v. show you watched: i really can't remeber...
Time you cried: at my grandpa's funeral
Took a shower: last night
Got a real letter (a.k.a Snail Mail): like 2 seconds ago...colleges.
Ate at a restaurant (not fast food): I had breakfast with my great aunt yesterday at an airport
CD you bought: .... I don't usually buy CDs....really... its been years.
What is/was....
The best thing to happen to you today?: It snowed...and I didn't go to class all day
Your most prized possession: material possession? I guess my photo albums
Your first vehicle: a 1989 SAAB 9000....it was a peice of crap
Your current vehicle: haha... a 1993 SAAB 9000 Euro.....its NOT a peice of crap
Your favorite quote: "Anyone can slay a dragon.... but waking up to the same world every day with a smile on your face....now thats a real hero."
You bedtime (on average): I try to aim between 10:30pm and 1:30 am
Your best trait/characteristic: hmmm. my non-confrontational ways i guess
Your worst trait/characteristic: probably my indesicivness...and my lack of correct spelling
Do You....
Store things under your bed: I have another bed under my bed so no
Daydream: depends.
Have a computer at home: hence how I am doing this
Live in the city, suburbs or country: country in a major way
Live in a home, apartment, duples or mobile home: house
Own a cell phone: yeah
Have a good luck charm: different ones for different things
Collect anything: rubber ducks
Attend high school or college: high school
Make good grades: I try to
Have You Ever....
Had a surgery?: never
Had teeth pulled?: never
Broke the law intentionally: depends on your definition of "law"
Ran away from home?: I tried once when I was 4, but only made it to the end of my driveway
Broke a bone?: nope
Cheated on a test/exam: I usually don't
Had a friend pass away: yes
Been issued a citation/traffic ticket: no
Been in an auto accident: ....not enough of one to even mention it
Lied to someone: only when nessacery
Been lied to: probably
Your Favorite....
Place to be: Weld Maine...and Weaverville NC
Place to visit: I really love Charlston
Place to chill: in my room
Non-Alcoholic drink: cherry lime-aid
Alcoholic drink: don't drink it....and don't like it
Type of food: I like simple food. like soup, and sandwiches, and pasta
Meal/Food dish: I like all breakfast foods
Dessert: I seriously don't know
Shampoo & Conditioner: V05 Green Tea
Toothpaste: ummm. lets go with Crest
Salad dressing: I don't remeber what its called
Ice cream: Pinnapple Marshmellow
Fast food establishment: probably sonic
Color: yellow
Season: summer/fall
Holiday: I like the 4th of july and halloween alot
Perfume/Cologne: chanel
Video Game: Karaoke revolution
T.V. show: Grey's Anatomy
Smells: Magnolia trees, and boys that smell good
Article of clothing: a really comfy green sweatshirt that natalie has forbidden me to wear in public...but i do still
Book: my all time favorite Ella Enchanted. but I like books alot
Children's Book: the Madeline books
Candy: Swedish Fish hands down
Car: My dream car. a 1954 Cadillac Eldorado
Do You Believe....
In Karma: not really
In God: yes
In Heaven & Hell: yes
That aliens exist (extraterrestrial variety, not illegal aliens): not unless you count my brother
That ghosts exist: no. I don't like thinking about things like that
In horoscopes: not at all...merely coincidences
In others you know (family, friends, co-workers etc): I like to believe in others
In yourself: usually
Your Opinion....
On the death penalty: I think people should get whatever punishment that will improve them the most
On reciting the Pledge of Allegiance in schools: I say: don't make people do something they don't believe is right.
On homosexuals in the military: I think that if someone wants to serve their country nothing should stop them
The war in the Middle East: it can be improved
Schwarzeneggar...Governor or Terminator: i think the only reason he got elected is because he is arnold
Current gas/fuel prices: stupid
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My Interests

adopt your own virtual pet!Music. singing. playing piano. playing french horn. listening to music. any kind of music. musical theatre. Theatre in general. acting. watching plays. dancing. Ballet and Pointe (the shoes with the wood in the toes). Marching band (at times). reading good books. watching old movies. wearing pearls. occasional cooking on the side. Travelling to foriegn lands (outside of the U.S.). Meeting new people. Laughing. Listening to accapella groups. Knitting. My cat. Watching baseball games. Singing in my car really loudly. Making really random CDs. Oragami. Taking lots and lots of pictures. Downtown Asheville. Driving a stickshift. Ballroom Dancing. Butter Pecan Ice Cream. Murder mystery novels. Shakespeare. Swedish Fish. Swimming. Riding Rollercoasters. Going for walks. Talking to people who have different opinions than my own. Star Gazing. Skirts. Flip-Flops.

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Ice Ice Baby

Add to My Profile | More VideosDifferent music for different moods. But to name a few genres. Showtunes. Punk Rock. Alternative. Classical. Accapella. Accoustic anything!. Only tasteful rap. Oldies. Big-Band/swing. Christmas music. Rock. Jazz.And heres some artists. The Beach Boys. Frank Sinatra. Elvis. The Killers. Michael Buble. Yellowcard. Story Of The Year. Bing Crosby. John Mayer. Jack Johnson. Bare Naked Ladies. The Beatles. Eva Cassidy. Five For Fighting. Good Charlotte. Green Day. Nirvana. Reliant K. Red Hot Chilli Peppers. Switchfoot. They Might Be Giants. Of Course anything that involves a musical. And for some reason I have a strange obsession with the song American Pie.


anything in black and white, or made before the 70's. But don't get me wrong, I'm a big fan of modern movies, good chick-flicks, interesting action movies, any comedies, all horror movies, I like alot of movies.


ok. So I'm guiltfully hooked on Grey's Anatomy. and for all the Degrassi fans out there, I'm one of them.


Murder Mysteries. Books that make you think. Books with really big vocabulary. Anything that even remotely looks like a script. Shakespeare x 100. The Harry Potter Books. The Davinci Code. Angels and Demons. StarGirl. The Scarlet Letter. Ella Enchanted. Poems. Rediculous books that have no purpose...ok, I just like books.



My Blog

10 things

just 10 things that come to my mind often. 1. I wish I knew where I was going to college 2. Thoroughly Modern Millie is in a month....it still hasn't really hit me. 3. I think I'm getting senioritis ...
Posted by Leslie on Thu, 15 Feb 2007 07:17:00 PST


Summer is such an interesting time of year.... heres whats been going on..... lets see.... Rookie camp for band ,the final one for me, and its about time. Anja left. babysitting x 1000000 which inclu...
Posted by Leslie on Fri, 30 Jun 2006 10:12:00 PST

Who What When

T.h.e. W.h.o.s Who is in the house with you? my mom, dad, brother, exchange student, and cat Who was the last person to IM you? yikes...trey probably Who are you thinking about now? I was th...
Posted by Leslie on Wed, 10 May 2006 07:31:00 PST