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Johnnyn Clamshell

I am here for Friends

About Me

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My Interests

MOVIES, books, water polo, family, any sport really, i love to hang out with good friends--thats when i can really have fun and enjoy myself. anddddd oh duh MUSIC!!

I'd like to meet:

besides julia styles, i would say someone who is positive and encouraging. and NOT a fake. And Caitlin Fortune, because she is pretty much my idol or something. I really really think she is one of THE coolest people ever. Everyone should know her.


shawn mullins, the stating line, Hooshiers Super Cool and Awesome Band, james blunt, dixie chicks, train, tim mgraw, cold, goo goo dolls, cowboy troy, nickelback, eminem, ray j, rascall flatts, josh gracin, frankie j, keith urban, reel big fish, papa roach, nirvana, sugar ray, blink 182, everclear, everlast, third eye blind, and goldfinger, dashboard confessionals, atmosphere, bush, david grey, jack johnson, shakira, less than jake, aqualung, ingram hill, relient k, dear whoever, ludacris, gorillaz, john mayer, taking back sunday, Kelly Clarkson, Britney Spears, Spice Girls, 98 degrees, Back Streetboys, and OF COURSE! My homeboys, N'SYNC! I saw them in concert 3 times back in the day, and would DIE if they got back together. It would be like a dream come true!THE MUSIC I LIKE NOW SUM 41!!!, james taylor, ok go, angels and airwaves, allen jackson, artic monkeys, augustana, tim mcgraw, backstreet boys, anne murray, ben folds, bright eyes, blue october, chris brown, counting crows, casting crowns, david crowder band, feist, hellogoodbye, kanye west, kieth urban, kenny chesney, lilly allen, luda, machines, mercy me, my chemical romance, nickel creek, michael buble, nat king cole, frank sinatra, vannessa carlton, marcy playground, modest mouse, pat green, rhcp, secret machines, sheryl crow, slipknot, third eye blind, tracy chapman, tracy byrd, jet, regina spektor, tatu, wilco. And, N'SYNC.


braveheart, You've got mail, Sleepless in seattle, a lot like love, we were soldiers, gladiator, last samurai, anchorman, across the universe, click, life of david gale, american beauty, lord of the rings (all of them), and my favorite The Notebook/Gladiator, Confetti, The Derby Stallion, High School Musical 1 and 2 (waiting for 3!), Hairspray, Bewitched, and anything with Zach Efron in it. I looooove him. Or Channing Tatum, he is pretty sweet. My movi idol is Elle Woods from Legally Blonde.


THE OFFICE!!! and re-reruns of the 70's show! And the OC, and the Hills/Laguna Beach. Although I really think The Hills is better, I mean, HELLO! Lauren!


song of fire, transal saga, wind singer and a lot more you've probably never heard of. oh and harry potter!


Jesus Christ,my mom AND OF COURSE -Do What You Want (Wallpaper Version)
Add to My Profile | More Videosand Zach Efron. I want to be just like him. :-)