People will always talk about YOU......................................................... .. Might as well give THEM something to talk about
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$$$ Put that M0n3y !n my muth3rfuck!n HanD $$$......................................................... ............................................................ ............................................................ ......... *LIFE* ISN'T ABOUT FINDING YOURSELF. *LIFE* IS ABOUT CREATING YOURSELF.
I ran... I ran until My muscles burned and My veins pumped battery acid... and then I ran some more. ~Tyler Durden~(Fight Club)
A wise girl kisses but doesn't love, listens but doesn't believe, and leaves before she is left. ~Marilyn Monroe~
Every action of every animal and human is indirectly controlled by death. They spend their whole lives trying not to die. Death is the ultimate limit but can also serve as the ultimate motivation ~TortureTheArtist~
Fix IT!