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Powered By Talentse.comheya doods im lindsay. call me linds. i've sadly hit the big 2-0 and have graduated from algonquin college with an ece diploma. again, sadly, i have decided to continue on to university for child studies. those are the basics.
I am 5"5, 101 lbs, blonde hair, blue/green eyes. I'm not preppy, I'm not punk, I'm not retro or sporty....I like to not label my style. I like to mix things up, wear what I want, whether it be preppy one day, and punk the next....I'm not a style slave and I don't keep up to current fashion, because if I did I'd look just like every other girl out there.
I'm an old-fashioned romantic. I believe in karma, fate, and love at first sight, and I've experienced them all. i believe that everyone has atleast one great attribute. i love individuality and stupidity. i hate ignorant and rude people. I'm kind and calm, but if I see someone being a jerk to someone else, I am not above telling you where to go. Or punching you out, if I feel that's what it has to come to. Girls who dress in short skirts and tank tops with their bellies hanging out disgust me. grow some taste. as in the non-skanky kinda taste. ANYTHING other than what you are wearing is fine. [teehee]. Also, I hate those ottawa girls - you know the ones - blonde, preppy, smoking bimbos who cant walk in heels to save their lives? yeh. those ones. what i don't get is, if they want to look so plastic and perfect, why wear heels if walking in them makes you look like a fool?
off the rant now, i love bars, namely the cabin and gracies, and i love to laugh. i will eat an entire box of chocolates if you let me...and i absolutely LOVE awkward moments. i can decide within the first 5 mins of talking to you whether i like you or not. i'm not judgmental, i just read people very, very well. i laugh at myself daily. i get too involved. i daydream too much. i love too easily and hold on far too long. i love life and all the emotions that come with it. im a very confident kid and i mask all my insecurities behind it. i guess i had a lot to say. thats it for now. but i will leave you with this: high school drama MUST DIE. the end.
All American Kid
Popular but not plastic. Athletic but not a jock. Smart but not a brain.
You were well rounded and well liked in high school.
Who Were You In High School?