♥ MUSIC ♥, My Sis she is my soul mate, glitter, flip-flops, warm days underneath a tree in the park taking a nap, kayaking through the rapids in Virginia, hiking in the mountains for days, camping, eating a whole box of NERDS till I get sick, jell-o shooters, putting on make-up (sometimes), gardening & flowers, seeing the sun come up after running the beer pong table all night (that one is for Kellz), ♥ all of my friends, Especially Summer and Aric LOVE you guys ♥, late night after partys with all my fav people, karaoke geek (and I can't sing to save my life!), I ♥ movies, shopping/anything on sale, Ben & Jerrys Fish Food and cookie dough YUM, Late night trips to Wal-Mart, visiting museums, cooking with my grandma, reading & writing, planning for the future, warm beaches with white sands, heights, candy apples, smoothies, sunglasses, dancing whenever & wherever, I'm in love with my Ipod, waving at complete strangers, making people laugh, Gran Turismo 4, camping, swimming, bikinis, hugs, kissing, ice cream cake in the middle of the night, roller coasters, sharpies, Halloween, theatre & the ballet, free samples ♥, cheese, the color pink, volunteering, the internet, board shorts, my BFs T-shirts ♥, tattoos, side-walk chalk art, Cosmo magazine, always having chapstick, clothes right out of the dryer, Ralph Lauren Blue, postcards ♥, DDR, animals, being proactive instead of being reactive, riding mopeds sooo European, running barefoot in the rain (remember Elm St?), Free pours of Grey goose w/ lime, one day making it to Italy and laughing; most of all having fun and looking feeling happy while doing it (smiles just a little bit ♥)...MAKING PEOPLE FEEL BEAUTIFUL And LOVED!!!...
1)Bob Marley-R.I.P
2)Zach Braff (love Him)
3)Leonardo Da Vinci
4)Nix Hexum from 311
5)Brad Nowell-R.I.P
6)Mozart - so many questions for this person, fascinating!
7)Vera Wang
8)Georgia O'Keefe-R.I.P
9)Chuck Norris
10)Angelina Jolie
11)Sigmund Frued (and ask where the hell does he come up with this stuff?)
12.)The genius Behind Easy Cheese
13.)Last but not least: someone to make my Mom happy with being herself, if you know someone email me.
14.)Alex Trebek (Love Jeopardy!)
15.)Someone who holds the Key to the meaning of life...
Myspace Graphics - Myspace Layouts
Myspace Graphics - Myspace Layouts
Just leave the damn Message Already LOL:
Hey Kids You know whats Fun? Playing in Traffic!!!
View/Edit the INSANITY!
I have an obssesion with bass that's what gets me movin'. Listning to great music to enhace whatever mood your in. Music that gets me dancing whenever and wherever I am;Even if it's just with myself doing something as mundane as cleaning (lol). Hince my emmense love for my Ipod, that's my saving grace these days.
Fear and Loathing in LAS VEGAS Team America:World Police Super Troopers Napoleon Dynamite Zoolander Hot Fuzz Shaun of the Dead Disturbia The Ex 300 (kick ass) Grass: The History of Marijuana (hilarious) Resevoir Dogs (a classic) Boondock Saints Scarface ALL of the Godfathers Pulp Fiction Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels Transpotting Bubble Boy Crash Fight Club Sin City Wedding Crashers Dazed and Confused Jay and Silent BOB STrike BAck Snatch more too come....can't think right now
The only T.V. I watch is Scrubs, Dexter and Weeds. Obssesed with the National Geographic Channel, TLC and Discovery Channel. Sometimes the estrogen moment where I eat ice cream and watch all the atrocious movies on Lifetime (lol).
1.) How to Think LIke Leonardo DaVinci: Seven Steps to Genius Every Day (recommend that everyone should read this)
By: Michael J. Gelb
2.) Nickel and Dimed
By: Barbara Erenreich
3.) The Hobbit
By: JRR Tolkien
4.)The Metamorphosis
By: Franz Kafka
5.) Rum Diaries
By: Hunter Thompson (recommned that everyone read this one!)I list these books because those are the ones that I read at the apex of my youth. I shall keep reading and the list shall go on so I believe it is pointless to list them all at one time...
Anyone in this world that can make me laugh 'til I cry! People who don't care what people think and have a tendency to say exactly what they mean and mean what they say... People who take risks and push their limits. Last but not least: Anyone who can appreciate my spontanaity and quirkiness, that realizes that I am who I am and I am not planning on changing anything about me; cause hell I maybe misbehaved but well behaved women rarely make history or an impression on this world...