AnDo = RoCkStAr profile picture

AnDo = RoCkStAr

He who is without SIN, shall cast the first stone...yeah that's what I thought!!!

About Me

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My Interests

Da beginning of a SIIIIICCCKKKK WEEK- WMC 07There is nothing I'd rather do than travel the world and party with my crew!!! Especially go to Amsterdam, Germany, Holland, Denmark, and Sout America and go to the best clubs in the world and get Mangled bro!!! Retarded yo!!!


Why there is anything besides HOUSE and TRANCE??? hahaha, just kidding but I think you got the point!


Just got done reading the book "BLOW"...Wow!!! way better than the movie. I just got started on the "DaVinci Code" so I'll let you know soon.


My father is my hero---hands down!!! Superman and all those other fags don't got shit on my dad! The man is a genius-and i'm not talking school shit-and the greatest man on earth!!! My best friend, my partner, my brother, and everything all in one person...I have him to thank for thehelping me become the person I am today.