Biracial BomsheLL :)~ profile picture

Biracial BomsheLL :)~

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

HELLO HELLO........My name is Angela. I am part of a twin set so was born with my bestfriend and have 2 brothers.If you saw my name you should know I'm no ordinary chick. I am Black & Italian with a dash a Native Indian and a splish splash a few other stuff. I went to IUP or IUPARTY. I left that life behind me and now I'm living a better more meaningful, NORMAL life. im back in school... Hip Hip Hooray!!!Carlow University :)In the mean time I'm doin me...I've been singing since I knew how to make sound and played the saxopfone since fourth grade. I laugh alot and a silly,goofy,and a tad weird :)~ I try to make the best of every situation in life because you never know when its gonna end and I don't want to waste time.I tend to be a bit of a loud mouth at times. There's nothing wrong with saying how you feel and I do that well.sometimes it's good and sometimes it's bad,I'm very opinionated and passionate about the people and things that i love.I am honest,loyal, thoughtful,generous,and sweet to the special people in my life. I take to heart"Do unto others as you would have them do unto sensative maybe to a flaw and like a good cry every now and then."I'm all about helping people because it will always end up being worth it. I love love love animals each and every one.I like them big, small, furry or scaley.I do however have a wild side to me but i do my best to keep that under control.I love love love to dance till I drop. Seriously, you can't get me off the dance floor unless I need a drink :)i like to go out have a few cocktails with the girlies and just have fun. Im the kind a girl that can talk for hrs. so if you dont have anything interesting or funny to say we mmmhh(me shrugging my shoulders ha) won't be friends (p.s.dont battle me on politics u'll lose!).Im a singer and yes i'm good.I stay up all night watching movies,silly stuff on VH1, documentaries The kind that make u wanna save the world and run for President and of course Animal Planet!!!I can spend a hour spilling my guts into pages of poetry and songs. I'm not on here looking for a man (I'm still bruised on the inside). NOT NOW AND NO TIME SOON!!!!! So, no need to apply.Guys really pay attention to the no need to apply for the boyfriend position, ok?!? LIVE, LOVE, LAUGH, AND LEARN. PE@CE

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

I would especially like to meet Oprah to see if she'd brake me off a piece of the pie, really though I love and admire her. The legandary Martin Luther King, my immigrant great Grands from Italy and my "underpaid" or u can call them "slave" great Grands. For fun Tom Green, Dave Chapelle,and Michael Jackson at the Neverland Ranch of course.I MET THE OBAMA FAMILY!!!!!!!!!!!

My Blog

Barack Obama Speaks at Dr. King's Church
Posted by on Mon, 21 Apr 2008 01:43:00 GMT