It is rare that a band so mercilessly dominates an era in time a la Metallica '83, Zepplin '73, Pedro Martinez '99 but ASHEN goes down as a continual source of inspiration going down in the anals of time. On a spooky, stark October 2002 night in Middletown, Rhode Island the first inclinations of ASHEN kvltivated as Mars alighend with Uranus. Tyler Leahy on lead guitar despite insufficient equipment, Matt Breen on drums although not knowing how to play, Rich Sullivan on vocals; albeit lacking rhythm, and Michael Artesian on bass although barely audiable. Gaining momentum in Matt Breen's basement which they affectionately dubbed "The Hole" they sifted through a plethora of names but stuck with, "Mydil Doe" for its corispondance to jokes, posing the question, "Who's opening for Mydil Doe?", "You should check out Mydil Doe!", etc, etc. However in a brief moment of clariety the boys decided the name was retarded and in order to be taken seriously although cracking out laughable music decided to change the name. After much heated debate, and searching endlessly, the name "ASHEN" stood out a sore thumb. Soon realizing Rich Sullivan's inadequacy on vocals, and capitalizing on his versitility, he was soon moved to guitar. This could have easily marked the end of ASHEN however, Rich's buddy, Nate gladly excepted the challenge and picked up the fallen microphone and began to scream to covers of Fear Factory and Coal Chamber. However he quit for no apparent reason, however it is speculated due to the fact we sucked at the time. This also could have easily marked the end of ASHEN but Rob Rothrock AKA SGT. Rock, classmate in music theory at of Tyler Leahy at MHS stepped up to the plate. After a couple weeks it was realized that he also sucked even for us and change was needed and rather than telling him we simply never informed him and borrowed his microphone and his stand indefinetly, in fact it is rumored to still be in the ASHEN practice space, however, his microphone took an untimely demise somewhere in the year 2004 as Alex Quinn squeezed it while intoxicated and it exploded everywhere. This did not phase ASHEN as they continued to practice routinly. Some where along the lines (lol we forgot) long time friend, Alex Quinn replaced Mike Artesian who quit because he needed to devote more time to his piece of shit Ford Ranger. After sucking for some time, ASHEN became discourage and rumors flew rampant of a break up. We all believed we sucked until Rich Sullivan, Matt Breen, and Tyler Leahy met up with an intoxicated Alex Quinn at the 2002 Portsmouth Battle of the Bands. The boys witnessed such shitty acts as, New and Improved and Srap 9 and turned to each other in dismay. There were actually bands that sucked more than ASHEN! The boys left with a new found confidence and sought to bring the most mind rendering, tattered and torn fucking expierence to Aquidneck Island. They wrote timeless classics such as, "Down to None"(which we still play! :)), "Recriprocate," and "When the End Comes") without vocals :(. One day friend, Bruno Azevedo, of Brazilian descent added his own unique twist to the vocal duties of ASHEN. As ASHEN completed their forth song, "My Murder" it was time to hit the road. Astonishly ASHEN got on a show, May 31, 2003 which will go down in infamy. Ironicaly another band got their start at the very same show named, Your Mom and the Kerplunx. Unfortunely Bruno Azevedo, two days before the show was arrested at Middletown High School for lighting a fire cracker in class, given to him by Matt Breen, and was not allowed to play the show. This easily could have marked the end of ASHEN but Alex Quinn stepped up to vocals as he was formerly the vocalist of Death metal band, "Pat McComber". His vocals shit on Bruno's and as fate would have it we patched things up with Mike and ASHEN was ready for their first pubic performance. The show was an immiediate success as Alex Quinn was attired in an New York Knickerbockers uniform and equiped with ASHEN lyrics on notebook paper, spelled very incorrectly. After debating whether having 2 vocalists the band made one their first correct choices and kicked Bruno out for the first time. It seemed as if nothing could stop ASHEN as they played show after show in Aquidneck Island. In a rare case which still baffels us all, ASHEN played a show with Canadian sweet hearts and screamo legends on VICTORY RECORDS!!!!!!, Silverstein who said we had "cool solos". After losing the Rogers High School battle of the bands the band decided Rich Sullivan was holding their progress back due to his lack of rhthym which is vital to a rythm guitarist. Long time friend and neighborhood playmate, Dan Roman gladly took over on rhtym guitar and ASHEN's finest lineup to date was solidfied. All songs were given a face lift and a tummy tuck and new songs shot out like Peter North on viagra. ASHEN only got to play one show with Danny at the Living Room since Alex Quinn dislocated his knee in a violent mosh pit during fellow hard rockers, Statement (Nick Webster is in SHIPWRECK! now! and they're signed to Deathwish and we played with them a couple times!!!!!) and was rushed to a nearby local medical facility AKA Newport Hospital also the birthplace of 3/5 of ASHEN to the chants of, "A-Money!" Alex was quiet embarassed because the EMT's cut his pants off revealing his Rocawear boxers! LOL! Luckily Danny took Alex's 20 sack of cat nip before an officer of the law took action. Tragicaly a car accident on July 3, 2004 claimed the life of Dan Roman, and friend, Matt Crosby. The band went on hiatus for the rest of the summer...
This could have easily marked the end of ASHEN, however, we acquired straight-edge and vegan extrotair, Jeremy Gayhil and Pat (don't tell my parents I'm in ASHEN) Conboy after kicking out Mike due to his inability to turn his fucking full ampeg 350 watt stack up to an audable level, and lack of personality. With the new members ASHEN was back on the fast track playing shows all over the place. Soon with newfound confidence ASHEN recorded with the legendary Frank Dywer at StageCraft Audio Studios and laid down the tracks for the now extremely rare and limited "Victory is Not Possible" EP although Gayhil was never allowed to record a single riff because he's gay and we hate him...
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ASHEN FASHEN: Available in sizes YM-XL. $10 at shows or $12 through the mail. You know you want it! Message us for mail order. Supplies are extremely limited!
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Victory is Not Possible video by Matt Breen.
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Thank you to everyone who has ever helped us, supported us, listened to us, liked us, hated us, remembered us. We can't tell you how much we appriciate everything. We love you all, for real, no homo.