jenny heart profile picture

jenny heart

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

hEarTee iS mY bLEssEd niCk naME! i aM oNE oF God's SpecIAl CreaTioN! i am sImPly thE besT in mY oWn LittLe waY! i do Love to sIng pRaise to My God for hE iS mY ulTimaTe ReaSon wHy iAM sTiLL enJoyinG LIfe wITh oUt hIm hmmmmm fOR sURe i wILL bE a biG traSh haNGiNG aRound thiS Lost wORld! ehehehe! kulIT! becaUSe iAm sPEcIAl i aM bLEssEd to haVe a uniQue pRetty faCe, body builT and hiEgHT! gaLinG ni LOrd e! aNg daMi nYang blEssIngs na biNigaY sa aKin., i dO haVe greaT frIends, woNDerfUl faMiLy and i aM lIVing aN exTra oRdiNary LIfe wItH hIM! WHaT mORE I CoULD ASK! AsTiG!

My Interests

HMMM muSiC, faShiOn! piNk! anyThing bOUt LifE aS LoNG as iT wiLL lEad mE to nEw LearNinGs IN LIfe! buT mY greaTes InteRes iS GOD!

I'd like to meet:

I wAnT To MEEt YOu AnD ShaRe WHAT My lifE Do HAvE... OF CoURSe I Do WAnT TOMAke FRIeNDS....


i aM a biG fUn oF HiLLsoNG muSic, uniTed! DeliriOUs!lufet Ng MGa sOngs niLa Yan Life cHangIng! iT enCouraGe aNd it wILL lEad yoU tO tHE eVerLAstIng LIfe!


aLonG caMe PoLLy,NarniA, a wALk tO reMembEr, thE nOTebOOk! thE paSSioN oF thE cHRisT! maDaGasCaR!


JESUS! noThiNg eLse!