sha-na-na-na profile picture


Age is an issue of mind over matter. If you don't mind, it doesn't matter. Mark Twain

About Me

First and most important, I do not ever try to be something that I am not. I am who I am and you either like me or you do not!!!Likes: I love St. Patricks day, I love dolphins, watching them, swimming with them, everything about them!!! I love cats(and know that does not mean I am "The Cat Lady"), I love dancing of all kinds, especially ballet. I like dancing in clubs and when I get drunk, yes I am that girl that will shake my ass on you. I love cupping peoples asses, I like night life, but sometimes I like staying at home too! I love sweet tarts and sour candy, and snickers, I love to eat mexican food, Imo's pizza, turkey subs.mustard on french fries, moms potatoe soup, I love Mountain Dew and Lemonade, I love Orange Crush Soda and guys from LA that wear Orange Crush T-Shirts, I love Strawberry Shortcake and Carebears(yes I am a big kid), I love Captin, and doing jager bombs until I can not see, I love the STL Cardinals!!, I love hanging out with my friends, even when it is coming home from the OZ at 8 in the morning. I love people that I can have great conversation with, I love my family that lives so far away from me. I love music of all kinds, except for country music yuck!!! I love watching the the sunrise on the beach and listening to the waves crash, have I said VEGAS yet, because I really love vegas, but that is a whole other story, especially love getting $100 LAP Dances in Vegas at Scores and not remembering, I love to laugh and anybody that can make me laugh, I love looking at pictures and taking pictures, I love bartending and meeting all you wonderful people that become so very close to me!!!Hate, I hate fake people,I hate make-up, I hate all of those barbie doll bitches that think they are better than everybody else, I hate stupid people, I hate it when I am wrong, I hate it when I can't do everything all on my own, I hate that I have no PATICENCE, I hate driving in the snow, in the rain, and long distances, I hate spiders, and pretty much all bugs for that matter, I hate people with Drug Addictions that choose it over anything and everything including their life, on that same note, I hate Most of all when I do everything to help that person get better, and it still does not work, and they are no longer in my life. I hate people that judge when they have no idea what they are talking about, I hate people that make shit up about me and my friends, b/c they have nothing better to do, I hate green beans, I hate cold weather(that is why I am moving to San Diego), I hate when friends do not call back until 6 months later, I hate liars, I hate saying good-bye!!!

Myspace Layouts at / Undersea

My Interests

Dancing, traveling, beaches, BOYS, Shoes, a great PARTY, Friends, shopping

I'd like to meet:

I love meeting interesting fun good people. Friends come in all different kinds and that is why it is so wonderful to have them. I do hope someday that I meet somebody that Is willing to give what I give, I just want something equal!!! I do not need a lot, it is the silly little things that mean the most to me!!Get Your Own! | View Slideshow.. width="425" height="350" ..


I love all kinds of music, it just really depends what I am in the mood for!!!I have a wide variety from rock, to hip hop,to r&B, I love the 80's, to progressive, to trance, old school, new shit, everything except COUNTRY!!!!Some of favorites include Tool, Nine Inch Nails, Alice and Chains, Led Zepplin, Pink Floyd, Madonna, Janet and Micheal Jackson, Justin TImberlake, Usher, Def Leppard(nothing wrong with a little Def Leppard), Bob Marley old school hip hop, Paul Okanfold(Transport), Sandra Collins. Sasha, Digweed, Kaskade, some Bad Boy Bill, I also enjoy hearing and watching some of my favorite local Dj's Gary Mac,(my all time favorite) STEVEO, Mike Gow, Big D, and ok, I guess you too Silver!!!I also love listening to my favorite Radio Personalities, I luv your guts BOOMER!!!


I am a big fan of Disney Movies, ( I know once again I am a big kid), I like 80's movies like the Goonies, Top Gun, Footloose, FlashDance,(don't care what you think, I LOVE THEM), I like Crash, Gladiator, Girlie Movies, Scarey movies, and of course Comedy!!! Not so much into old western movies and sci-fi

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I am a sucker for television (DVR ROCKS), I won't lie I watch those WB shows, pretty much all of them. Sex in the City, Six Feet Under, Soppranos, Las Vegas, just a few of my favorites. I love re-runs of friends, seinfield, everybody loves raymond. Basicly anything that can make me laugh or some sappy show that brings out the softer side of me.Get Your Own! | View SlideshowGet Your Own! | View SlideshowGet Your Own! | View Slideshow


Sad, but true, I do not do a whole lot of reading!! If it puts me to sleep, it's a damn good book!!
Tony Capone & John The Drummer @ Confidential
- - San Diego Nightlife
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That is easy, my MOM, she is the greatest lady in the world!!!!!!

My Blog

The old Rue/Velvet Crew

Posted by sha-na-na-na on Tue, 28 Mar 2006 10:41:00 PST

Zach and I

Me and my boy Zach
Posted by sha-na-na-na on Wed, 22 Mar 2006 09:28:00 PST

D.J. Silver and I at Al's

Posted by sha-na-na-na on Wed, 25 Jan 2006 10:53:00 PST

My first two friends in san Diego, Mike and Phil at Moondoggies

Posted by sha-na-na-na on Mon, 23 Jan 2006 11:27:00 PST

April, Scott, and I at Al's

Posted by sha-na-na-na on Mon, 23 Jan 2006 11:10:00 PST

Trisha, Dana, and I at Helen's

Posted by sha-na-na-na on Mon, 23 Jan 2006 06:47:00 PST

Niki, Kara, and I eating some mexican and drinking margarita's

Posted by sha-na-na-na on Mon, 23 Jan 2006 06:40:00 PST

Boom, Kristen, and I 2nd nite in San Diego!!

Posted by sha-na-na-na on Mon, 23 Jan 2006 06:03:00 PST

Lisa and I as School Girls working at Rue 13!!

Posted by sha-na-na-na on Mon, 23 Jan 2006 04:48:00 PST

Beth, Maria Maria, and I at Rue, Christmas 2004

Posted by sha-na-na-na on Mon, 23 Jan 2006 04:44:00 PST