Alcohol, Chicks.....yeah that's about it!
My future ex-wife.
Music - now we're talking. Not only do I enjoy listening to music, but I play it as well. I have been playing guitar for nearly 10 years now. I'm still not very good, but it keeps me occupied. I like almost all types of music, except country. "She broke my heart, so I broke her jaw." It's pretty much self explanatory. My favorite band of all time is no question - Danzig. However, I'll give any band a chance until my head starts pounding and suicide begins to seem like a great idea.
Anything with explosions and boobs. I mean what else can you ask for in a movie?
Mine stays mostly on the discovery channel, but I must admit that I can't get enough Roseanne on Oxygen!
Books??? Why read books when you can just watch the movie? Besides, everyone knows they make books out of great movies! And who wants to spend days reading to the climax of a book when a movie only takes a couple of hours. That's time I could be looking at porn!!!!
Who needs 'em? I'm about as much a hero as anyone else.....and I haven't done shit!