Photography, music,music,music, Art in any form, tattoos, graffiti is an obsession( i wish i could do it), porn (i could shoot it :) Frida Kalho , David Lachapelle, Skateboarders, Skiers, Peeps whom remind me of my lil bro (RIP), 24 hour diners, Kitch, Reincarnation,Getting lost in NYC , My mac., Clubbing, Raves (i'm from cali), MY DOG Codak....(foofy foo!) MY fat cat Adidas, (my mommies!) Those 2 hold my heart, Friends, (if i learned anything from my past relationship having friends is KEY!) Fashion, Models, Artists,Musicians, Dreamers, see'ers and believers, crazy folk ( i always attract them- my friends say i have a becon) u name it i might like it and if not, to each his own! Peace
The makers of music is who id like to meet..... WERD
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anyone for some croquet?
Which Tori Amos Song are you?
Lords of Dogtown (RIP Pete ud love this one) Narnia, The Exorcist, shaun of the dead, Spun, Rocky Horror Picture Show, Donny Darko, Hairspray ( the original!!!), JAWS!!, Pecker, But i'm a cheerleader, Groove, Saw, Beat street, Flashdance, The list goes on... gotta love the $5 bin :)
Chronicles of Narnia, Stiff, Choke, Fight club, The Celestine Prophecy, Anything by Brian Weiss, David LaChapelle, Diane Arbus, Eugene Richards, Richard Avedon, Andy Warhol, Cindy Sherman