My given name is Jacob Alexander Faulkner and I was born at 12:29pm on October 2nd, 1985 in Cincinnati, Ohio. I prefer to go by the name River Grey, as I've found this to be the most aesthetic summary of myself in a title, but many address me simply as Jaik. Either way, you now have some insight to begin with.
Now, on to more salient aspects of my persona.
I am a lover and a fighter.
At my best I am a dynamist; passionate, charismatic, cognitive, complex and magnetic; brimming with confidence, and yet tranquil. Antithetically I am subversive, selfish, uninspiringly arrogant, overly apologetic and acquiescent to the insecurities of those around me. A seemingly volatile salmagundi of personality traits I can usually maintain a certain equanimity.
I am an artist.
I paint pretty pictures with music and weave words into tapestries. I am the creative force behind Unwyred ; a musical project that I've invested 6 years into thus far. More recently, since the addendum of artists to perform live music under the name of the project, I am the frontman, the lead singer/songwriter, and the bassist for all things Unwyred .
I am not a believer.
I cannot imagine a conscious omnipotent singularity as the cause for our creation, and more pertinently, a forgiver of our sins and warden to our souls. An avowal to this mindset as an axiom is the epitome of selfishness. I choose, rather, to believe that we are all beings of energy, as is the eternity around us. Therefore, we are all parallel, complementary, and interconnected. What I could define as "God" or "Allah" would be the perpetual infinitude of existence and everything in it. We create ourselves and destroy ourselves. We control our own destinies and kismet. Serendipity and the stars are merely a reflection of this, karma a manifestation.
I am a blissful tragedy.
I have the fortune of experience beyond my years. I lost my only child during her birth, a pain noone should have to endure but has the ability to wisen one greatly. I've loved, and have been loved. I've been treated well as well as mistreated. People from my past have used me, bruised me, and abused me, taken advantage of me and taken me for granted. Adversely, I must confess as a result of this I have been host to such ill will in my past as well. A tragic bliss as I possess more perspicacity than many but lack the sagacity that keeps me from tumbling headlong into the tempestuous nature that is my life.
I am a dreamer.
I tend to live most of my life somewhere in my mind; I've many unique ideas, but rarely act on them, allowing me to be rather adept at admonition. I aspire to break the mould whenever and wherever I can and will tell you so without reservation.I seek to expand my horizons, be it linquistically, culturally, intellectually, philosophically, in aspiration of pulchritude, or merely to discover something new everyday, I am on an ever-evolving crusade of self, and seek to imbibe the world around me. Take me now or leave me forever, I'm just like you imagined; and more than you could ever dream.
"About Me" through the eyes of those around me:
"Jaik is new, a revelation. Elation. Purely reminiscent of the organic. He is the promise of spring and the downfall of winter. He is an understatement sincerely misheard. He is the driving passion of himself, and unique in that nature. He is looking at myself."
"Jake man you are a good friend though i haven't really talked to you in about a year, i am glad to have known you bro"
~James Sweet, A.K.A. Machine
"What is there to say?... There is not an old or new soul on this planet quite like you. Jaik, you are one of a kind."
"you are the antithesis of yourself. you are jacob alexander faulkner, the kid and the boy, the curly-haired little kid who called me “dit-dee†and river gray, the articulate, prolific thinker. you are sympathetic and apathetic. you are passionate and dispassionate. you are wisdom and arrogance. you are elation and sadness. you are enlightened and in the dark. you are introspective and in denial. you are filled with enthusiasm, hope and idealism yet, doubtful. you are eccentric and conventional. you are a whirlwind of contradictions and complex layers tethered to a foundation of truth, searching for meaning and purpose, effecting and inspiring those around you. you are art."
"Jaik, you are an ever so jubilent, treasure trove of sunshine :) that makes for the best coffee conversationalist at perkins."
"You're a hyper, spamtastic ham."
"In a creative venue the River is always flowing. RVR (aka: river, jaike the snake, looking for something less profound, something less profound and rock of Gibraltar) having a some what profound view of his universe, seems to be experiencing his life to the fullest, at least that which has been presented to him at this time and place of his existence. Suggestions lets jump from a perfectly good airplane or surf the storm swells of Australia. Let freedom ring I am stupid enough to try damn near anything and smart enough to know it is my right (obligation) to do so! Listen up freedom slaves I stand with RVR get your shit together and see us for what we are."
~James Pruitt, A.K.A. Cerebral
"hmmm Jaik...Jaik is hard to describe..very different..which in a world full of people trying to do what everyone tells them to do is kind of a breath of fresh air. Hes an awsome listener, can always make you laugh, even if you are dead set on not. very intellectual which again is defferent. so really only thing i can say is jaik is different..but in a good way..."
"You spend every moment, every heartbeat being exactly what you are.
Yourself. There is no doubting it. Only self-recrimination buried under layers of depth and decisive indecision."
"you are my favorite son!"
"You are the son who I told never to be afraid to march to the beat of a different drummer who grew to be the man who is unafraid to reach out his hand and caress existance like a theremin."
~Ted Lee
"well i think that you are very persistant in what you want, very unique in every aspect from what you eat to your style of clothes, also more emotional then most guys, quit caring so damn much it's not good for you! jk! but that makes you a very loyal friend, oh and let's not forget about your 33% more free."
"Ahh, there is so much to be said, but so little space, for one who indulges in things such as you, few can comprehend... Inside the mind of Jaik is where few have been, if deemed worthy you shall see an understanding of things unbeknownest to most...With a just heart he welcomes the masses, but accepts the few. Like crossing the Straits of Gilbralter, prepare for anything."
You are a
Social Liberal
(78% permissive)
and an...
Economic Liberal
(10% permissive)
You are best described as a:
Advanced Global Personality Test Results
Extraversion 73%
Stability 80%
Orderliness 53%
Accommodation 56%
Interdependence 16%
Intellectual 83%
Mystical 90%
Artistic 90%
Religious 10%
Hedonism 90%
Materialism 90%
Narcissism 63%
Adventurousness 90%
Work ethic 50%
Self absorbed 43%
Conflict seeking 43%
Need to dominate 50%
Romantic 83%
Avoidant 10%
Anti-authority 90%
Wealth 30%
Dependency 10%
Change averse 30%
Cautiousness 50%
Individuality 90%
Sexuality 90%
Peter pan complex 36%
Physical security 70%
Physical Fitness 90%
Histrionic 50%
Paranoia 16%
Vanity 90%
Hypersensitivity 30%
Female cliche 56%