John Austin profile picture

John Austin


About Me

I am a really unique, ordinary guy. A very nice, kinda ass hole ............ I guess what Im getting at is you can take me how you want to take me, I am not one in search of approval or acceptance. I am seeking to complete my own personal goals, and even though Ive had significant set backs thus far in my early adulthood (failed engagement, no financial aid, medical bills, etc.) I have no real regrets - each of these things has left me stronger and smarter. I would usually leave this section very blank, but I am leaving for Coast Guard Basic Training this month and wont be here to answer questions for sometime (or defend myself :). That said this "place for friends" will probably be one of best bets for staying in touch with all you important people already on my friends list - you are all very important to me and I would hate to lose touch with you as I move forward in this next stage of my life.

My Interests

physical fitness, investments, the outdoors, traveling, making sexy time ;) lol

I'd like to meet:

I don't really approach such things with a pre-conceived notion of what I would like, but I suppose that there are a lot of people "I'de like to meet," .... I mean you could be my future ex-wife, lol .... whatever give me a try, and if I don't want to be your friend don't go getting all fucking butt hurt, it is just myspace after all.

My Blog

An old poem, but one of my favorites. Glad I ran across it in my old files.

It doesn't interest me what you do for a living. I want to know what you ache for, and if you dare to dream of meeting your hearts longing. It doesn't interest me how old you are. I want to know if yo...
Posted by John Austin on Wed, 03 Oct 2007 11:14:00 PST