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ioeo, Dark Sensual Ambient

About Me

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Cedric commence a composer a l'age de 13 ans. Quelques annees plus tard il decouvre l'informatique musicale avec l'atari ST et realise quelques albums en utilisant Track24 et un synthe Roland D-5. Puis arrive la MC303 Groovebox avec laquelle il realise ses premieres compositions electro-groove. Il participe en 1999 au concours "Masters of the Groove" organise par Roland Corp. dans plusieurs pays europeens. Avec le morceau Groovetrack1, Cedric est selectionne pour la finale française et se rend a Paris pour jouer avec neuf autres finalistes devant un jury de professionnels de la musique électronique.Il remporte le premier prix et le morceau figurera sur une compilation de tous les vainqueurs européens qui sera distribue gratuitement un peu partout. En 2001, Cedric rejoint la communauté d'artistes amateurs Overflow Federation fondee par d'anciens participants du Groove Contest et debute une serie de collaborations enrichissantes tant sur le plan musical (plusieurs remixes avec Law, concerts prevus avec Law et Vedix...) que visuel (Cistude Design pour les pochettes et affiches de concerts). Depuis 2003, il donne regulierement des concerts en extérieur, accompagne par des projections d'images. Sous le pseudonyme ioeo il autoproduit un album electro en collaboration avec Sandrine Aubertin et Nareva, auteurs parolières, en novembre 2005 : Far From Silence...
Cedric starts to compose since he's 13. A few years later he discovers musical midi processing with the atari ST and releases some albums by using Track24 and a Roland D-5. Then comes the MC303 Groovebox with which it produces his first electro-groove compositions.He takes part in 1999 in the Masters of the Groove contest organized by Roland Corp. in several European countries. With his Groovetrack1 song, Cedric is selected for the French final and goes to Paris to play with nine other finalists in front of a jury with professionals of the french electronic music scene.He's awarded the first prize and his track is published on a compilation of all the European winners tracks which is distributed freely in several countries.In 2001, Cedric joined the community of amateur artists called Overflow Federation, founded by former participants of Groove Contest and a series of collaborations starts between its members.Since 2003, Cedric regularly gives concerts, accompanied by image and light projections. Under the name 'ioeo' he produces his album with Sandrine Aubertin and Nareva, two authors in November 2005: Far From Silence...
site officiel :

My Interests


Member Since: 12/26/2005
Band Website:
Band Members: Sandrine Aubertin, paroliere, lyrics
Nareva, paroliere, lyrics
Cedric Rey, compositeur, composer

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Influences: ambient, electro
Sounds Like: Air, Royksopp, Aphex Twin, Depeche Mode
Type of Label: None

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i need your participation !

Hosted By: ioeoWhen: Thursday Aug 07, 2008 at 7:00 PMWhere: FranceDescription: ioeo Click Here To View Event...
Posted by ioeo on Wed, 06 Aug 2008 12:05:00 PST

new album : divine constellations

my new album "divine constellations" is released on jamendo : ...
Posted by ioeo on Tue, 01 Jul 2008 09:48:00 PST

new album

my new album "triptrack" is available on jamendo :
Posted by ioeo on Tue, 18 Mar 2008 11:37:00 PST

new adress

new ioeo site adress :
Posted by ioeo on Tue, 15 Jan 2008 11:12:00 PST

new track / nouveau morceau

a new track is available on myspace : Divine Constellationsnouveau morceau en écoute sur myspace : Divine Constellations
Posted by ioeo on Sat, 24 Nov 2007 09:16:00 PST

new tracks / nouveaux morceaux

Salut !du nouveau sur : deux nouveaux morceaux du prochain album en écoute, et un changement du design.Visitez aussi le...
Posted by ioeo on Wed, 19 Sep 2007 09:38:00 PST

new album

A new album from ioeo is currently in pre-production. More info soon ... stay tuned 
Posted by ioeo on Wed, 04 Jul 2007 10:41:00 PST