Basketball is apart of life, its def. apart of my life, the ups and downs, the wins and losses all are in comparison, its what you make out of it just like in every day life...the real want to be a team player, you have to learn how to work with people, you want to take big shots in crunch time, you have to make big decisions, you want to win, you have to set a goal and strive towards it, if you lose you think back on what you can do to be successful, missing a free throw is like not taking advantage of an easy opportunity and letting something you have grasp of slip by, showing sportsmanship whether you win or lose is like showing respect for others whether they like you or not. See many people beleieve basketball is just some dumb sport only stupid jocks play but theres alot more to it. Basketball is my Pride, My Joy, and My future. Is basketball life? the answer is yes. its definetely my life.