chris profile picture


commit suicide or get over it

About Me

senior officer in charge of village idioting, senile delinquent division. also speaker for the house group of falling off walls.

My Interests

music, art, surfing, reading, movies, camping, painting, hiking, backpacking, fishing, learning to play guitar, watching baseball, going to anti-bush rallies, playing frisbee with my dog, riding motorcycles, wakeboard, wakeskate

I'd like to meet:

no more bands dammit. you all suck.
people i already know
john krikfalusi
tommy lasorda
vince scully
paul rubens (done)


the animators, saul williams, paul weller, medeski martin & wood, peanut butter wolf, gill scott heron, ugly duckling, de la soul, mouse on mars, beatnuts, norah jones, socialistik, yello, african headcharge, fela kuti, antibalas, sonic youth, ramones, longpigs, the pixies, red snapper, sabres of paradise, awol1, crash worship, led zeppelin, low, ravi shankar, phillip glass

most of the bands on my friend list are ok...


drugstore cowboy, chunhyang, la story, il postino, the lover, caligula, 28 days later, adaptation, apocalypse now, requiem for a dream, baraka, wallace & grommit, slam, a life less ordinary, tank girl, gattika, a clockwork orange, krush groove, time bandits, the big blue, Pan's Labyrinth


prison break, mile high, entourage, penn & teller bullshit, crank yankers, trigger happy tv, ren & stimpy, the goddamn george liquor program, the larry sanders show, monty python, hut sluts, home honey, i'm high!, seinfeld, no angels, trick my truck, heros


london (edward rutherford), bless me ultima (rudolpho anaya), beloved (toni morrison), she (saul williams), , said the shotgun to the head (saul williams), full woman, fleshy apple, hot moon (pablo neruda), sapagonia (ana castillo), angels & demons (dan brown), my first summer in the sierra (john muir)


george liquor, american.

My Blog

Hitchin' a ride..

So I had to do it. I started a myspace group. for hitchikers and captains to find each other. No more sitting around looking for a third person....
Posted by chris on Wed, 18 Jul 2007 11:41:00 PST

Check out this video: Awesome Faceplant

Check out this video: Awesome Faceplant Add to My Profile | More Videos...
Posted by chris on Thu, 28 Jun 2007 10:47:00 PST

the best songs on myspace

Alllrighty-then. So I've been meaning to do this for a while, maybe I should put his somewhere else, still considering...on to the list:so i already gave you some easy ones, sonic youth, dub pistols, ...
Posted by chris on Fri, 11 May 2007 02:19:00 PST

Regarding my favorite song and scrubbing

F, I really wanna keep a list of all the songs. Ok so here we go, old school. thing really, the whole album is dope
Posted by chris on Fri, 11 May 2007 01:14:00 PST

One more

Maybe I'm an idiot. O wait , I forgot, I'm in charge of idioting  Why can't you add more than one song to you profile again? I wanna put every song I like on there, not just one....
Posted by chris on Fri, 11 May 2007 12:36:00 PST


Ok, so I forgot to mention. A very nice band called The Animators was here the other night, and work kept me super late and the show was early, so I totally missed it. These guys don't spam anyone on ...
Posted by chris on Fri, 11 May 2007 12:32:00 PST

You A*Holes Get Off The Road!

Ok, if you live in LA or even if you've ever been here you can relate to that statement. So I tried putting a bunch of stuff in my profile to discourage the estupidos, pero no entienden. Most of ...
Posted by chris on Fri, 11 May 2007 12:26:00 PST