This rough magic, I here abjure, and, when I have required.Some heavenly music,which even now i do, To work mine end upon their senses that This airy charm is for, I'll break my staff, Bury it certain fathoms in the earth, And deeper than did ever plummet sound.I'll drown my book.
Read before Adding!
I'm A.L. I. S.S.A I’m spelled different :]
My friends are my gold.(I treasure each moment with them)
I LOVE to sing :)
I have ADHD :[
I'm way to nice sometimes.
I can see right through you.
When i see something(someone) good, I go for it!
If you hurt me you'll regret it...So just don't do it 8D
No one is fucking perfect. ACCEPT IT!
People fuck up because it's just a part of life.
Sometimes i don't say hi to people because i think I'm not "cool" enough. I guess i can be shy haha
I don't like "man whores." They need to respect themselves
if you have shit against my friends you can go to hell :]
They are a huge part of me and i love all of them 8D
If you have a problem with me, I don't care go eat shit. I'm so happy with my life i don't need drama at all
The rest figure out on your own, i am really nice to just talk to.
and yes, I say "FUCK" a lot to make everything perfectly clear to people. It's a great word
well hit me up 8D
= iseenuHXCdancing