Hello to all, we just wanted to let everyone know that we all stuck our hands in blenders and can no longer continue on in Breaking Tides. Ok the blender part is not true. But as some of you have heard already, Breaking Tides has come to an end. We persevered for four years but have decided to call it a quits. We know a lot of you might be upset or are wondering what happened so here it is. For the last year we all found it very hard to agree on the music, our image, life goals, etc. The last year was really like a rollercoaster, one month things were up, the next they were down. We tried to work things out but in the end, we could not come to an agreement. Breaking Tides was our second family, after losing four original members; it was just too hard to continue.
We would like to take this time to thank EVERY SINGLE FAN OF OURS, EVERY PERSON THAT EVER CAME TO A SHOW, EVERY PERSON THAT TOLD THEIR FRIENDS ABOUT US, EVERY PERSON THAT LEFT US A COMMENT OR SENT US A MESSAGE, EVERY BAND WE EVER SHARED THE STAGE WITH, EVERY PERSON THAT TALKED TO US AFTER A SHOW EVEN JUST TO SAY HELLO, AND ALL OF OUR FAMILIES AND FRIENDS. Without you guys, there would have been no Breaking Tides, we lived and breathed for all of you and it was the best four years of our lives. We wouldn’t trade those memories for anything.
But hey this is not the end for the members of Breaking Tides.
Please check out and continue to support Petie’s side project Amely myspace.com/amelyrock. The Amely Full Length album will be release soon and available in the iTunes music store. Amely: The Band is also coming soon, so make sure to check out some shows and any future tours. Nate will be laying down some tracks and playing in Amely as well. Jeff and Luis will be starting a new side project and we guarantee you will hear every music style incorporated into it so keep watch for that. Again, Thank You all and take care.~Breaking Tides~
The Breaking Tides Podcast
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