gRaNd iS tHe naME...i'm TOO yuNg buT i cAn fUck gIrLs...i cRy crazelY...i sLeEp naUghTy...i fUck harDLy...i hUrT peoPle wHo hurTs me...i haTe peoPLe whO haTes...i waLk faStLy...i kNow frieNds haTe faKes...i drInk harD...i sMoKe verY haRD...I Have My Amazing Life, Who Means The World To Me I'm Addicted To Monster Energy Drinks I'm really friendly so if you spot me somewhere go ahead and say hello...I'm a normal kid with a normal life...This means I can't spend all of my time on myspace replying to messages and comments...I do read each and every one though, so please be understanding =] science really pisses me off...i have best freinds...i am wierd[random] i love to take pictures and i love big boobs...i get madd easy and forgive often i am senative and will take you seriously. i love school and i am ready to go back to it...[already] i am a myspace addiactt i love to tell someone i love them...your in for a treat...if you talk to me...With this said I'm not edge and I never will be so please don't try to tell me I'm going to hell I already know this...god forgive me...scUmS arE nOt aLLowEd iN mY aCcOuNt...%D%A%D%A%D%A r o t a s