its late |
wanted to write something but I'm not. Posted by Monkeyflyers on Tue, 25 Sep 2007 02:07:00 PST |
dreams that float |
I just put a hole in my foot it hurts alot and I'm watching a moive that kinda sucks with not much talking at all its called the new world . 'm done painting my crABMONKEY paintings for now I was th... Posted by Monkeyflyers on Mon, 23 Apr 2007 10:53:00 PST |
I'm done |
If anyone cares I'm done with my crabmonkey paintings you can go see them all in my photos. I keep seeing the story going though my mind to music in all cartoon mood. Posted by Monkeyflyers on Mon, 16 Apr 2007 04:31:00 PST |
I went to middle school with a murderer. |
I'm sure most of you have heard about the girl from A&M that was killed by her boyfriend and they cant find her body now in the dump. Well I know thhe guy we went to middle school its very very strang... Posted by Monkeyflyers on Sun, 25 Mar 2007 05:25:00 PST |
Just woke up a waste of a whole day, Or I took my twin to the ER |
WEll last night I had to take ramon the ER he got his foot crushed under a power lift yesterday. It was the longest wait I've ever had at an ER and they treated us like crap. We went in at 11pm and we... Posted by Monkeyflyers on Wed, 21 Mar 2007 05:53:00 PST |
sleep |
I don't write blogs much anymore I guess I really don't feel like it much I've gone to write a few times only to just say fuck it and stop and not finsh then just junk it. I don't even know if i'll f... Posted by Monkeyflyers on Mon, 12 Mar 2007 12:52:00 PST |
almost crashed but I saw a badass midget so its cool |
So Im in downtown driveing on rusk right under 59 the light was green for awhile and was in the middle of its cycle so i'm going though at my regler speed 5 to 10 over the limit like most people then ... Posted by Monkeyflyers on Tue, 13 Feb 2007 07:10:00 PST |
He's really gone (one year ago) |
Its the day before the day he died but I'm not going to post tommorw it was the start of the hardest year of my life............ heres what I wrote feb. 3, 2006I was their in the room next to dustin w... Posted by Monkeyflyers on Fri, 02 Feb 2007 03:19:00 PST |
l'm doing this with a WII |
SO i just found out you can go on the internet thingy with a wii so what do i do i write a blog. i looked at youtube before this though to see what i could see. ANYWAYs i'm have a hard choice right n... Posted by Monkeyflyers on Wed, 31 Jan 2007 03:49:00 PST |
fuck it i'll just paint |
I want to paint, I will paint in a few hours after I sleep Posted by Monkeyflyers on Tue, 30 Jan 2007 04:02:00 PST |