My name is Phi Phi Long Diep. And NOOOO it's not a girl's name! It's Chinese! I'm a boy...and a very cute one at that...I'm the baby! I like to eat and sleep and run and chew on shoes. I love eating people food and sleeping in people beds. I am people after all.
I'm probably one of the most spoiled dogs in the world. I have my own seat at the dinner table, I sleep in fancy beds, and I live in the type of house that you'd see on MTV Cribs.
I like to eat chicken. I don't really like any other meat, even though my mommy orders me food at the restaurant when she goes out. I'll eat it if the rest of my family is having some. My doggie bowl only has biscuits in it. I especially love mung bean sprouts and edamame. I like that better than meat. I guess I just like veggies. I also like peppermints. They make my breath fresh. And the occasional almond.
Everyone loves me! I'm so spoiled. Even though I piss people off sometimes, I know they'll always come running back to me because I am so damn adorable. When I get mad, I pout and ignore people and just flop down on the floor and pout. It works. When people try to feed me and I don't want to eat, I turn my head in the other direction and act like I don't see them.