leticia profile picture


The greatest thing you have is your self- image, a positive opinion of yourself. You must never let

About Me

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A Lil About Me...

For Starters...
Name: : Leticia Llanas
What Does It Mean: : Joy
Nicknames: : Lety
Gender: : Female
Are Your Parents Still Together: : Yes
Heritage: : Hispanic
Religion: : Catholic
Single or Taken: : Taken
Is That A Good Thing: : Of course
Perfume: : Dior Addict 2
Cologne: : Acqua Di Gio
Beer: : Don't like beer
Non-Alcoholic Drink: : Shirley Temple
Quote: : "Nada es verdad ni nada es mentira, todo depende del cristal con que se mira" - Latino Proverb
Feature of the Opposite Sex: : Eyes
Sports Team: : Astros
Pair of Shoes: : ???
Junk Food: : Hot Cheetos
Gum: : Doublemint
Have You Ever...
Been In Love: : Yes
Been on a Blind Date: : No
Ran Out of Gas: : No
Been Called a Tease: : Yes
Been in a Major Accident: : No
Had Alcohol Poisoning: : No
Been in a Fight: : No
Cheated: : No
Been Cheated On: : Yes
Your Most Unusual Obsession: : Don't know
Your Most Missed Memory: : High School
Your Greatest Weakness: : don't know
Your Biggest Fear: : Heights
Your "Can : Hair Straightnet
Describe Your Personal Style: : Relaxed
Your Best Physical Feature: : Eyes
Do You Love Yourself: : Yes
Who : Rober Mendoza
Any Tattoos/Piercings: : 1 tattoo and 2 piercings
How Do You Want To Die: : In my sleep
Your First Thoughts Waking Up: : 5 nore mitures
What Are Your Pet Peeves: : ????
Any Vices: : ?????
Where Do You See Yourself in 10 Years: : married and working
Take this survey - A Lil About Me...
Myspace Surveys

My Interests

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What Kind of Intelligence Do You Have?

Intrapersonal Intelligence
Some people thing you're a loner, but you just like spending time in your own head with your own thoughts. You're attracted to the works of great philosophers. You've got an intense understanding of yourself, and wish other people were as self-aware as you are. The company of others can be a distraction and an irritant sometimes. You learn best when left alone to figure out the problem for yourself. You'd be best suited to a career as an academic, theologian, philosopher, psychiatrist, or writer.
Take The Quiz Now! Quizzes by myYearbook.com

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I'd like to meet:

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Boyfriend/Girlfriend Survey
Take This Survey at Quizopolis.com

What is their name? Rober Mendoza
What pet name do you like to call them? Can..'t tell
How long have you been together? 1 year and 3 months
How did you meet? We met on the phone thanks to Jimmy
What do you like the most about them? Their personality
What do you like the least about them? ???
What is the best thing they have ever done for you? I don..'t know but he would do anything for me
Have they met your parents yet? Yes
What would you kids look like if you had kids? I don..'t know
What is the worst argument you have had? over something stupid
Do you still kiss a lot? Yup
Who asked who out? He asked me out
Do you think you will get married? Yes
Can you see yourself growing old with them? Yes
What is the one thing you would like to change about them? Nothing
What do you think they would like to change about you? Nothing
What is the first gift they ever bought you? An Ipod
Do you have a favorite song together? No not really
Which famous person do you think they look like the most? When he had long hair he looked like the guy from My Chemical Romance
Would you say the two of you are a good match? Of Course
Take This Survey at Quizopolis.com


I pretty much listen to anything except for country. If I had to choose it would be spanish music.


I like to watch a lot of movies I especially like movies such as The Notebook, The Last kiss, The Pianist, etc..


I don't watch that much television but when I have time I like shows such as First 48, CSI, Law and Order, Miami Ink, Intervention.