My Man Mitch profile picture

My Man Mitch

Since 1985

About Me

I'm in love with the woman of my life, Jessica. I'm going to college at home to become a better pc technician. thats about all I have for myself.
"A 152 question survey ALL about you!!" by: jd52489
1. *BaSiCs* No Answer
2. Full Name: Mitchell Anthony Smith
3. Nicknames: Mitch, babe, Rye cracker, sir, old man scar-face, CO, mitchy-poo, mas, ion
4. Age: 21
5. Hair color: Black
6. Eye Color: Brown
7. School: Er, north for high school, bc and cie for college
8. Job: Computer Tech
9. Birthday: sept. 25, 1985
10. School: ?why two?
11. Tattoos: none
12. Piercings: none
13. *Family* No Answer
14. Do you get along with your parents? yea, i guess
15. What are there names? pamela and preston
16. Do you look more like your mom or your dad? Probably my pops
17. Any Siblings? 2
18. What are there names? Matt and Brandon
19. How old are they? 20 and 18, respectively
20. Do you get along with them? my dad yea, not too much my mom
21. *Friends* No Answer
22. How many best friends do you have? um 2..3 if jess counts (Tim, Rick, Jess)
23. Which one can you tell anything and everything to? probably tim,
24. Which one will do anything you tell them to do no matter how stupid it is? Tim
25. Who have you known the longest? Tim
26. Which one could you call at 3 am and they would answer? Tim, because he would be up then at work considering hes in Korea
27. Which one knows the most about you? Probably Tim
28. Which one is most like you? Rick
29. Which one has the nicest car? Tim
30. *This or that* No Answer
31. Mountain dew or Sprite? Do the Dew
32. Pen or Pencil? Pen
33. Country or Rap? Neither, but country if i had to
34. Rock or Oldies? Rock
35. DVD or VHS? DVD
36. CD or Cassette? CD
37. Bugs Bunny or Scooby Doo? Bugs i guess
38. Steak or Chicken? Steak
39. Bubble gum or Just gum? Gum
40. Cell phone or house phone? Celly
41. Mom or Dad? Dad
42. Digital Camera or Film Camera? Digi
43. Britney Spears or Christna Aguilera? Old britney, not the new has kids and cuts her hair off britney
44. MTV or VH1? VH1
45. *Favorites* No Answer
46. Food: No clue
47. Candy: hmm, special dark?
48. Soda: Coca Cola
49. Drink: Coke
50. Alcoholic Drink: Hmm, I'm really starting to like guiness draught
51. Person: Jess
52. Gum: no clue
53. Vegetable: broccoli i guess
54. Fruit: Mango
55. Cartoon: Simpsons
56. TV Show: Heroes
57. Song: Anything by Rush or Cold
58. Book: Dark Tower series by stephen king
59. Color: Red
60. Place: Beach
61. Shoes: er, no clue
62. Store: frys? probably...
63. Kind of Jeans: The kind that fit the way i like
64. Kind of Shirts: Button down (or up?)
65. Makeup? pfft
66. Animal? dog
67. Pet? right now, Meilko, but i think Coco or Rocha
68. *First....* No Answer
69. First Kiss: er, I think i was like a little kid, i kissed a girl in her barbie playhouse thing, we were being married
70. First Car: 1989 Ford Probe GL
71. First word: no clue
72. First Best Friend: Ted Slater
73. First Crush hmm, Sandra Sanchez
74. First Celebrity Crush: Sandra Bullock
75. *Last* No Answer
76. Time you cried: can't remember
77. Person you hugged: Jess
78. Person you kissed: Jess
79. Movie you saw in theatre: Um, 300?
80. Person you went on a date with: Jess
81. You talked to on the phone: Brother Brandon
82. Person to text you: My boss
83. Song you heard: Blind Melon - No Rain
84. Person you called: Brandon
85. Person to call you: Brandon
86. Missed call: some charity thing wanting my car
87. *As a child* No Answer
88. Did you like Barney? No
89. What about The Power Rangers? not really, but i watched em
90. Were you a mean kid? nope not at all
91. Did you eat all your veggies? probably not, unless my dad told me to
92. What was your favorite Nursery Rhyme? no clue
93. Did you want to be just like Britney Spears? riiiiiiiiiiiight
94. Are you still friends with the people you were friends with then? no, moved around too much
95. Were you a tomboy or a girly girl? wtf?
96. *Love and All That* No Answer
97. Are you single or taken? engaged
98. Do you have a crush? yes
99. Do they like you back? of course
100. Have you ever been in love? am now
101. Have you ever been heartbroken? no not really
102. Honestly, How many times have you had a broken heart? none
103. Are you a virgin? no way jose
104. How many times have you been in love? thought twice, but really only once
105. Looks or personality? personality
106. Love or Money? love
107. Ever went on a date with someone cuz you didnt want to hurt there feelings went on a blind date, does that count?
108. What do you first notice on the opposite sex? eyes
109. *Random Questions* No Answer
110. Do you like this survey? its geared towards a girl, maybe i should stop
111. Why are you takin this survey? bored and my brother matt took it
112. Are aliens really out there? who knows?
113. What is your biggest fear? not being able to support my family or myself
114. Do you like your life? love it
115. Do you smoke? nope
116. Do you drink? occasionally
117. Do you do drugs? no never
118. Prescription drugs? nope
119. *Finish The Sentence* No Answer
120. If i had one wish.... i would use it to have a good job
121. My friends are.... really cool
122. Jack and Jill.... ran up the hill..
123. You are.... tired
124. I like..... Apple products
125. The cow.... jumped over the moon
126. *Do you..* No Answer
127. Like Jack Johnson? no clue
128. Watch tv alot? nope
129. Own a computer? 6!
130. Belive in God? no
131. Go to church? no
132. *Have you Ever* No Answer
133. Drunk Dialed? nope
134. Gotten Drunk? yes
135. Had a one night stand? maybe, but i dont think so
136. Cursed? yes
137. Kissed someone you didn't like? no
138. Pretended to like something but really didn't? probably
139. Sat on your roof? not this one, but yes
140. Wished you could take something you said back? no
141. Smoked a Cigarette? yes
142. Told someone you loved them and didn't mean it? no
143. Seen a friend as more than a friend? yes
144. Gotten mad about nothing? no
145. Burnt popcorn? yes
146. Done something you now regret? no
147. *Rhyme with this word* No Answer
148. Poke: joke
149. Bark: park
150. Dance: prance
151. Banana: montana
152. Love: dove Take this custom survey!
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My Interests

Music Music Music, oh some other stuff too...
Your Famous Last Words Will Be:
"I dunno, press the button and find out."

I'd like to meet:

Scooter Ward, Aaron Lewis


love it!! fav bands... COLD! Lordi, seether, smashing pumpkins, staind. dark moody stuff usually...


nah dont watch em....


believe it or not i dont watch tv. the only reason i own one is for my gaming systems...


fantasy shit. Ender's Game, Starship Troopers, the Icewind Dale series of D&D books that feature Drizzt Do'Urden, and of course, my personal favorite, the Dark Tower series by Stephen King.


Games are my source of heros

My Blog

I ripped a phonebook in half at least...

Lets see, its been a while, a long while, and while I have been kinda busy, there have been a lot of things I should be doing. For instance, I should have done more school, but it just seems like its ...
Posted by My Man Mitch on Sat, 13 Jan 2007 09:56:00 PST

One Kick ass video from YouTube...

Showing the "gentler" side of YouTube, which Google just bought BTW, because they are a great company. .. height=350 width=425> ..>...
Posted by My Man Mitch on Mon, 23 Oct 2006 03:18:00 PST


    my last blog was cruel, bitter, and some call it low. but alas, i recant nothing.I will not let my raw feelings be discarded like rubbish, this is how i truly felt at that time, and...
Posted by My Man Mitch on Wed, 24 May 2006 12:46:00 PST

I bought a new laptop

Be happy for me! Lappy is dying so I decided to buy a new one. Jess told me I want too many expensive things so I got to choose between a video camera, a laptop, a ps3, or a keyboard. So I choose a ne...
Posted by My Man Mitch on Thu, 18 May 2006 01:06:00 PST

So my Bro wrecked his car the other night and...

Check it out while you can.......
Posted by My Man Mitch on Thu, 30 Mar 2006 12:20:00 PST

it feels quite nice..

Okay so i decided to rip this off my one and only love, that one that calls herself jessica. anyways, im going to do that 100 things thing, but it may just be like 50 because im lazy... 1.)I love t...
Posted by My Man Mitch on Wed, 08 Feb 2006 11:31:00 PST

start the new year off right

Well well well, i think i have decided that i want to start the new year right, and i want to do it by making this list... I have to lose weight, there is no way around this i have to do it. I gott...
Posted by My Man Mitch on Mon, 16 Jan 2006 01:27:00 PST

Every little thing she does is magic!

well, i went on a trip to this place called disneyland. and um, well we had a lot of fun. we went to splash cafe and i had some BOMB! clam chowder. (in a bread bowl of course!) we got our own little p...
Posted by My Man Mitch on Tue, 03 Jan 2006 12:23:00 PST


yup, you read that right! ima MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVIN. into a 3 bedroom, 2-bathroom apartment with my lovely girlfriend and my scabtasic! friend Rick. when the dust settled, we figured that we could a...
Posted by My Man Mitch on Mon, 17 Oct 2005 11:20:00 PST

update on life!

first thing i want to say is that i dont know what the category thingy is for but im using life...   okay, well its been quite a while since i wrote some kind of blog that i actually sat down and...
Posted by My Man Mitch on Sat, 08 Oct 2005 11:46:00 PST