PATCHWORK profile picture


write, record, tour, repeat...

About Me

Patchwork, has undergone lineup change after lineup change, dissolved and reformed countless times and remained an unpredictable but endearing fixture in the Madison, WI music community. After spending a few months wood-shedding songs in a South Madison warehouse, Jeremiah Nelson emerged with a batch of songs that echo the space they were born, ranging from scatterbrained amplified rants to whispery lo-fi pop. Going right for the central nerve, the title track and most raucous from Take me down the Interstate climaxes over clanging guitars,“Tell me what are you supposed to do? / First you’re dumb and in love then you’re old and immune... / Every place feels the same / It’s just another stop on the Intestate.”The album is a testament to life on the road, drunken sing-a-longs and hard-earned thinly-spread paychecks. It’s not for the faint hearted but its dog-eared charm should resonate with folks who have been through the ringer a couple times.
"[TMDTI] seems born out of an improvisational spirit and the beautifully bittersweet meeting of daydreaming and reality."
Capital Times (8/11/08)
"The subconscious melodies of middle-America" (9/24/08)
"a love letter to Sunday mornings and escapism"
Joshua James | Dane 101 (8/13/08)
"Heartfelt, high-quality stuff - mixed with a little smoke, whiskey and grizzle"
My Old Kentucky Blog (7/15/08)
"A bittersweet slice of back-porch folk-rock"
Tom Laskin, Isthmus (7/16/08)
"A favorite of long-time followers, it’s now ready for those outside the state lines to hear"
Muzzle of Bees (7/18/08)
"A ragged journey through the small-town Midwest"
Captain Obvious (8/01/08)
"poised to be the next big band to come out of Madison"
Badger Herald (8/06/08)
"fantastic vocals and beautiful instrumentation"
It all started with Carbon Monoxide (8/13/08)
"The songs almost always pack the wallop - especially on muscle flexor, 'Interstate Love Song II'"
Maximum Ink | Dan Vierck (8/08/08)
Download the record here : ($10)

My Interests


Member Since: 12/25/2005
Band Members: Currently performing as duo: Jeremiah Nelson (gtr/vox) Shawn Drake (violin/vox)
band/solo shows specified on schedule.

On tape the growing number of musicians involved in Patchwork include: Luke Bassuener, Josh Tyack (bass) Chris Sasman (drums) Josh Harty (guitar) Andy Schneider, Andrew Nesbitt Shawn Drake, Adam Cargin, Landon Arkens, Kyle Vande Slunt, Laura Schultz, Zach Larabee, Colin Crowley, Jackie Therin, Toni Rossi, Jeremiah Nelson ...
Influences: small town life in the midwest, captcha, warehome life, christopher's creepy clown costume collection, pickled brains, snowstorms, sunsets, dead end jobs, simplicity, silence, music and friends.

Sounds Like:
video courtesy of

Type of Label: None

My Blog

ALBUM LYRICS: Take me down the Interstate

Here are the lyrics to the new record all typed up for your myspacing convenience!  Most of these songs just kind of get cobbled together from a variety of napkins, post-its, coasters and whatnot...
Posted by PATCHWORK on Thu, 02 Oct 2008 04:40:00 PST

9/25 - TMDTI review from the windy city

Chicago indie web-zine, One-Kind Radio posted a review today of the TMDTI.  I thought this was a particularly in depth and well written review.  Stop over and give mirandab props. ...
Posted by PATCHWORK on Thu, 25 Sep 2008 11:33:00 PST

STRANDED in Austin :(

GAH!  I knew this would happen - at some point every musician will lose their ass on tour.  Here I am in Austin, TX broke with no gas money becoming a regular barnacle to my kindhearted song...
Posted by PATCHWORK on Tue, 09 Sep 2008 12:56:00 PST

"Spaceships" on MadTracks, Isthmus Daily Page by Tom Laskin

Very cool to have a tune on MadTracks today over at the Isthmus Daily Page. Here's an excerpt: I can't tell you what "Spaceships," the lead track on Patchwork's new album Take Me Down the Interstate, ...
Posted by PATCHWORK on Fri, 18 Jul 2008 01:54:00 PST

free download - "Spaceships" + new song - "Losing Faith" + opening for Bowerbirds + album art

So I've got a tune, "Spaceships" that you can download over at  Big thanks to Clay Collins from the Growing Life for hooking it up.A new song called, "Losing Faith" is ...
Posted by PATCHWORK on Sun, 13 Jul 2008 03:15:00 PST

Strangers! Record Release date announcement, opening for Bowerbirds + meandering ramble

Ok, I am long overdue for some updates shout-outs and whatnot.  First off, the record is complete and titled "Take me down the Interstate".  I feel great about this record and I feel like...
Posted by PATCHWORK on Mon, 30 Jun 2008 02:18:00 PST

Dane 101 piece by Joshua James - band practice...

Soundcheck: Getting to know Jeremiah Nelson's Patchwork Submitted by Joshua_James on Thu, 2008-05-15 12:15. Music | Profile   email this page | | ...
Posted by PATCHWORK on Thu, 15 May 2008 11:42:00 PST

from the Onion 5/14/08

Here is a piece by Scott Gordan from the Onion AV Club:The new record is going to be about 10 songs including some older ones like "Spaceships" and good chunk new songs written in Madison. "Escape A...
Posted by PATCHWORK on Thu, 15 May 2008 10:48:00 PST

Patchwork interview in Kearney Hub by Rick Brown 5/9/08>>05/09/2008 Folk, jazz, experimental sounds  all combine to make Patchwork By RICK BROWN , Hub Staff Writer ..table>>> WINONA, Minn.  Jeremiah Nelson's musical dil...
Posted by PATCHWORK on Sun, 11 May 2008 04:56:00 PST

If this doesnt make you smile...'s very possible that you might be a robot.Seriously, this is good.  I recommend "Melodies from a far off place"This band will enhance your quality of life and make you a better person. ...
Posted by PATCHWORK on Mon, 28 Apr 2008 12:50:00 PST