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Pyzam.com has the coolest Layouts for Myspace
the ocean, helping animals-especially marine mammals, being outdoors, being indoors, photography, water sports, Hawaii, the mountains, rivers and all that etc., etc. Having a good time with friends and family, learning new things about people and life
Among the rich and famous, spiritual and influential, people that are real and can make you laugh and smile. Maybe even a real-life mermaid so I can discover her secrets.
old country, new country, rock 'n roll, contemporary, alternative, hard rock, hip hop, rap, dance, little jazz, little bluegrass, oldies, opera; you play it, I listen, all depends on the mood
all kinds
all kinds
Legacy of Luna; Devil's Teeth; Second Nature; Life of Pi; and anything that can hold my interest
my parents and my 4 Legged friends: Roxy, Kita, Bugsi, Reba, Roxy, Lucy, Pricscilla, Gracie, Gabby, etc. etc.
Myspace Layouts