Mr. Forbes Mag. Aug 2013 profile picture

Mr. Forbes Mag. Aug 2013

I am here for Networking

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~*AbOuT mE*~
NaMe: Shells
BiRtHdAy: dos De Agosto, didn't know yo hablo espanol, i know
CiTy: Brooklyn.. gotta love that
hAiR CoLor: Blacker the berry
EyE cOLoR: DarK BrOwN
HeIgHt: SiX Foot
WeAkNeSs: My OnLy WeAkNeSs (Kryptonite) I'm Superman
FeArS: NoT LiViNg up to personal Expectations
GoaLs: UMMMMM Living up to personal expectations DuHHHH
LiFe: Is like a Box of Chocolates
LoVe: and Basketball
HoBBy: should be what people call a baby hobbit (call me butter cause I'm on a roll)
FaVoriTe iCeCrEaM: Vanilla
FaVoRiTe pHrAse: I don't use any Phrase twice. stay with new Material
FaVoriTe DrInk: Do you mean alcohol?
BeSt MeMoRy: Too MaNy to ReCaLL
BeSt PhYsicaL FeAturE: OMG, I can't say that, I may get kicked off of MySpace. Fine I'll say it, my Brain
WhaT dO oThErs LoVe aBoUt yOu: Better question, why do other love everything about you?
WhErE wOuLd yOu LikE tO ViSiT: the 70s
Do YoU wAnT tO gEt MaRRied?: Yea Y not, one day.
Do YoU wAnT kIdS?: OF COURSE, 10, the more kids the better chance of one of them doing something special
Do YoU sMoKe?: No but my friend BuDDy Smokes all the time, hE's A dog too.
Do YoU dRiNk?: Shouldn't this question have been asked before the "favorite drink" question?.
~*In a gIrL*~
HeiGhT: bet 5'5 and 5-9
BoDy TyPe: Athletic
EyE CoLoR: the ones that change color
HaIr CoLoR: The hair that change color
StyLe: wild about me


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