Everyone and anyone who loves ART is an Artist,Graphic Designer, musician, or Fashion Designer/Fashion Student. If you love Jesus as much as I do I want to meet you too. If you are a christian that goes to church and reads your bible everyday...we need to talk! Oh! and I wouldn't mind meeting Oprah!
If you want to add me as a friend I would really appreciate it if you would send me a message before you do so. But chances are you won't(cause it hasn't been happening)and it really doesn't matter I was just thinking maybe you might want to do that but if you don't ... don't sweat it.Just Add.
You can also find me in HI5 http://plentycultured.hi5.com.I'm also looking for Mentors in the Art or Fashion Design Field. How are you doing it??? Let me know.View All Friends | View Blog | Add Comment
THE ART ON THIS FLYER DONE BY CAT CRAIG !!!Thanks girl!!! Click on her name to link to her Deviant art page Cat Craig