Digital and Film photography, writing poetry, rock/crystal collecting, ancient roman stuff, occasionally playing keyboards, bass/guitar, and singing.
TURN ONS: Appreciation, confidence, intelligence, sincerity, honesty, reliability, compassion, showing love & expressing it often. Willpower. Poise. Social grace. Good personal hygiene and knowing how to dress adventurously without looking tacky. Corsets, skirts, and stockings with the line up the back! :) Dark pretty makeup, big eyes and pretty lips. Petite and/or tall/thin ladies.TURN OFFS: Shallow, trite, or histrionic behavior. Seen way too much of that lately.
Electronic, Gothic/Industrial, Trance, Psytrance, 80's new wave, .... basically anything that doesn't SUCK.
Eh... gloomy shock factor stuff like American Beauty, Donny Darko, etc...
SUCKS. I hate sitcoms. I hate laugh tracks. If something is funny, I will laugh on my own Damnit!
gloomy sci fi when I actually get around to doing it.... which is rarely anymore.
A.nti-B.and S.pam === T.ori A.mos, P.eter M.urphy, N.ivek O.gre, E.dgar A.llen P.oe, S.hakespeare, A.rtists.