tatoos,art,philosophy,religion,martial arts,music,videogames,electronics
I just want to meet someone who enjoys life and doesen't take things to seriously.If you like to laugh and have fun thats good enough for me.
punk,classic rock,psyhcidelic,abstract,world
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Mother fucking IZO!!!!!! Miike is a god!,dune,time bandits,cult master,gozu,ichi the killer,dreams,ran,drunken master 1&2,BRAINDEAD,scanners,resivoir dogs,jacobs ladder,all john waters movies,team america,kill bill 1&2,any Gorden Liu,jet li,jacky chan,or bruce lee film,Big trouble in little china,final fantasy advent children,Any Joderosky film(el topo,holy moutain,etc..)Tim burton's older films,Akira,ghost in the shell 1 and 2,ninja scroll,revenge of the ninja(The quintisential Sho Kasugi ninja flick)and of course,Solar Babies,mainly because I hate myself,And don't forget all the lord of the rings films,matrix 1 and 3,star wars 3,and Krull,oh and tron,hey,shut up!I can hear you laughing,but in your heart of hearts you too liked neverending story and dark crystal.There,I've said it.
simpsons,aqua teen hunger force,sea lab 2021,discovey ch,scifi,comedy centeral,vh1 classic
alice in wonderland,The power of myth(any thing by joseph cambell),all the xanth books by piers anthony,clockwork orange,a wrinkle in time,weave world,great and secret show,the book of the dead,any book by the dali lama,jonathan livingston seagull,be here now,on the road,cabal,crazy widom,
buddha,ghandi,Dr.Martin Luther King,Bruce Lee,Norbu,confucious,jesus,hunter s thompson,joseph cambell,takashi miike,lewis carrol,edgar allen poe,homer simpson,meat wad,elvis,ween,mike patton,dread zepplin,shasha shulgin,abby hoffman,terrence mckenna,william s borroughs,mas oyama,jet li,jackie chan,gordon liu,ali,babba ram das,ultra man,godzilla,voltron,my dad